
  • 网络unbalanced growth
  1. 强制性技术变迁、不平衡增长与中国经济周期模型

    Compelled Technological Change , Unbalanced Growth , and China 's Business Cycle

  2. 不平衡增长战略及涪陵区工业发展研究

    On Unbalanced Growth Strategies for and Development of Fuling Industry

  3. 不平衡增长理论与耗散结构论

    Theory of Non-equilibrium Development and Theory of Dissipative Structure

  4. 区域经济协调发展中的不平衡增长

    District economy coordinative development 's unbalance growth

  5. 本文希望从这一分工的特征和差异性出发,去研究服务业不平衡增长的机制。

    We hope to take this perspective into account to research the mechanism of unbalanced growth of services .

  6. 从耗散结构论的角度对不平衡增长理论做尝试性的解释。

    This paper attempts to give an explanation to theory of non-equilibrium development in view of theory of dissipative structure .

  7. 早在40年代,西方经济学家就产业的发展模式进行了深入研究,提出了平衡增长理论和不平衡增长理论。

    Early in 1940s , the western economists had proposed the theory of balanced and unbalanced growth after studying the industrial development model .

  8. 理论基础方面,除了介绍了主流的经济增长理论外,还涉及到区域增长极理论和区域不平衡增长理论。

    In addition to the introduction of the mainstream economic growth theory , theoretical foundation also relates to the regional growth pole theory and the regional disequilibrium growth theory .

  9. 作为经济增长极理论的重要内容,不平衡增长理论对于解决地区间经济不平衡发展具有重要的现实指导意义。

    As the important part of growth pole theory , non-balanced growth theory has realistic instructing meaning in resolving the problem of non-balanced growth among regions and regional development .

  10. 迹象显示,中国正在失去推行关键金融改革的意愿。这加剧了人们的担忧,即中国仍将处在不平衡增长的轨道上,增加发生经济危机的几率。

    Signs that China is losing its appetite for key financial reform are fuelling concern that the country will remain on a path of unbalanced growth , increasing the chances of an economic crisis .

  11. 在国家和区域的经济发展过程中,不平衡增长模式使投资更趋于集中,产生效率更高,促进各产业迅速发展。

    In the developing process of national and regional economy , unbalanced growth pattern will cause the investment to be centralized , so as to achieve higher efficiency and facilitate rapid development of various industries .

  12. 探讨了区域与区域经济、平衡增长与不平衡增长等基本概念以及区域经济发展的增长极模式、梯度推移模式和反梯度推移模式等区域经济发展模式理论;

    The basic concepts , such as region and regional economy , balance growth and non-balance growth , are explored ; regional economy development mode theory such as growth pole mode , grads development mode and anti-grads development mode are also explored .

  13. 报告作者表示,尽管中国似乎顺利度过了金融危机,但它主要是依靠极高的信贷增长来实现这一点的,这可能让它重蹈危机之前西方资产价格泡沫和不平衡增长的覆辙。

    The authors of the report said that while China appeared to have navigated the global financial crisis well , it had relied on especially high credit growth to do this , which risked mimicking the asset price bubbles and unbalanced growth of the west before the crisis .

  14. 该发现与Baumol的不平衡经济增长理论相吻合,此理论亦可作为生产率悖论的一个可信的解释。

    Our finding is consistent with Baumol 's " Unbalanced Economic Growth " theory , which may be a plausible explanation for the productivity paradox .

  15. 那么只好顺其自然了:不平衡的增长不能永远地持续下去。英国必须在经济增长与汇率回落至真实水平的过程中保持镇定。

    So be it : unbalanced growth cannot last forever . The UK must simply keep its nerve while the economy and currency come down to earth .

  16. 利用泰尔指数对中国近20年的人均GDP数据进行分析,发现中国省区间一直存在着不平衡的经济增长。

    Through the analysis of China 's GDP per capita of the last twenty years by the Theil index method , the paper reveals that the economic growth is unbalance between provinces .

  17. 缓解国际收支不平衡,实现增长的重新平衡

    Offset margin of BOP , achieve new growth equilibrium

  18. 地区经济发展的不平衡与经济增长

    Unbalance of Regional Economic Development and Economic Growth

  19. 他的发现反映了这样一个事实:一个漫长且不平衡的经济增长期把许多发展中国家带入了中等收入国家水平,但这些国家中仍有少数的一部分人深陷贫困的泥潭。

    His finding reflects the fact that a long but inequitable period of economic growth has lifted many developing countries into middle-income status but left a minority of their populations mired in poverty .

  20. 近年来中国通货紧缩,内需不足,产品过剩,失业严重,区域发展不平衡,经济增长变缓。

    In recent years , some economic problems such as deflation , insufficient domestic demand , overproduction , serious unemployment , unbalanced regional development and the slowness of economic growth co-exist in China .

  21. 但是依据宪法制定而成的新的平衡预算的修订案将迫使德国在下一年削减开支或提高税收&这种做法恰恰是与纠正欧洲的不平衡和支撑增长应采取的措施是相反的。

    But a new balanced-budget amendment to the constitution will force Germany to slash spending or raise taxes next year & the opposite of what is needed to correct Europe 's imbalances and shore up growth .

  22. 中国投资与消费的不平衡及其对经济增长的影响研究

    A Study on the Unbalance between Investment and Consumption and Its Impact on China 's Economic Growth

  23. 然而,这种发展是不平衡的,经济增长的成果分配不均的。

    Yet the development has been uneven and the fruits of economic growth have been distributed unequally .

  24. 但是在这些可喜的成绩背后,我国经济发展也存在着诸多问题,其中三次产业之间发展的不平衡成为限制经济增长的重要问题。

    While among these achievements , there are many defects during the develop process , Which three industries development imbalance become the important problems restricted economic growth .

  25. 论文研究结论:我省体育消费总体水平较低,各地区存在不平衡现象,但增长的潜力巨大;

    The thesis research conclusion : Research papers conclusions : the province 's sports overall consumption levels are relatively low , the existence of regional imbalances , but there is huge potential for growth ;

  26. 我国水资源十分贫乏,且时空分布极不平衡,随着人口增长及城市化和国民经济的快速发展,供水危机势必日益加剧。

    China lacks of water resources and the allocation of them is not balanced among the regions and seasons . With the increase of population , urbanization and rapid development of national economy , water supply will be more critical .

  27. 若美国走上调整平衡之路,即国民增加储蓄,而其它国家不增加支出,那么风险将不是不平衡的增长,而是根本没有增长。

    If the US rebalances that is , starts saving more as a nation without others increasing their spending , the risk is not unbalanced growth , but no growth at all .

  28. 最后在对产业不平衡发展演进轨迹理性判断和评述的基础上,以量化的手段探析了中国产业不平衡发展与经济增长之间的相互关系。

    In the end , the authors examine the correlation between the imbalanced industrial development and economic growth in China by positive measurement .