
  • 网络Unknown;anonymous;little-known
  1. 不知名的窃贼破门闯入了公寓。

    Unknown thieves had forced their way into the apartment

  2. 总是用诸如此类的新方法来讨好那不知名的、甚或根本不存在的魔力

    Always a new way of bribing unknown and maybe nonexistent forces .

  3. 伊丽莎白时代有许多不知名的诗人。

    There are many minor and obscure poets in the age of elizabeth .

  4. 公共汽车停在一个不知名的小城里。

    The bus stopped at an obscure little town .

  5. 可悲的是,在一个只有拉伯雷的不知名译本能提供关键证据的世界,握手的真正起源可能会永远不为人所知。

    Sadly , in a world where obscure Rabelais translations provide critical evidence , the true reason may remain forever elusive .

  6. 我所能追溯到的最早进行这个思想实验的人是英国《独立报》(theindependent)某位不知名的创始人。

    The earliest such thought experimenter I can trace is an unnamed founder of the independent newspaper .

  7. 据沙特新闻网站AlMarsad报道,在该照片在网上蹿红之后,这对不知名的夫妇遭到了严厉谴责。

    The unnamed couple have since received harsh criticism after the picture was widely circulated online , according to Saudi news site Al Marsad .

  8. Oyster提供的逾10万本电子书有许多都不知名,但该公司称,你能在其中找到超过1000本《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)畅销书。

    Although many of its 100,000-plus e-books are obscure , you 'll find over 1,000 New York Times best-sellers in the mix , according to the company .

  9. GoogleHell是大量依靠搜索结果获得流量做生意的不知名公司最坏的担心。

    Google Hell is the worst fear of the untold numbers of companies that depend on search results to keep their business visible online .

  10. 提案的反对压力来自美国律师协会(AmericanBarAssociation)、美国商会(U.S.ChamberofCommerce),以及一个较不知名但颇具影响力的游说团体:全美州务卿协会(NationalAssociationofSecretariesofState)。

    Opposition comes from the American Bar Association , the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and a less-known but powerful lobby , the National Association of Secretaries of State .

  11. 1978年,一位不知名的男士联系犹太纪事报(JewishChronicle)也说小男孩是他的孩子。

    In 1978 , an unnamed man contacted the Jewish Chronicle saying that the boy was his son .

  12. 在星期三,Menu食品公司首席执行官告知美联社,他们公司正将一种不知名的食品配料当做动物肾衰竭的可能原因。

    The chief executive of Menu Foods told the Associated Press on Wednesday that the company is looking at one unnamed ingredient as the possible cause of the renal failure .

  13. 还有不知名的科尔法公司,CFX。

    Or little known Colfax Corporation , CFX .

  14. 这些失窃的艺术品都是来自不知名的荷兰黄金时代画家,包括杨·凡·格因(JanvanGoyen)、杨·林森(JanLinsen)和雅克布·瓦本(JacobWaben)。

    The stolen works are by relatively unknown Dutch Golden Age painters , including Jan van Goyen , Jan Linsen and Jacob Waben .

  15. 你能否想象物理学家为了推广自己的观点,便试图证明它们暗含在爱因斯坦(Einstein)或是艾萨克牛顿(IsaacNewton)作品的某个不知名的段落里?

    Can one imagine physicists trying to advance their views by showing that they were implicit in some obscure passage in Einstein or Isaac Newton ?

  16. 因为,为iPod和iPhone设计的各式各样的扬声器、充电器以及其他不知名的配件都是直接插到设备接口上。

    Many of the thousands of speakers , chargers and whatnot sold for the iPod and iPhone are designed to have the device slot directly into the accessory .

  17. 上个月金价再次出现短暂波动,因为某家不知名网站发表了一篇失实报导,称中国正在讨论从国际货币基金组织(IMF)购买黄金。

    Last month , gold prices swung briefly again on an inaccurate report on a little-known Web site that said China was in talks to buy gold from the International Monetary Fund .

  18. 国有RIA新闻办引用了一位不知名的地方海军官员的话报道说,索马里海盗已被抓获,在此次营救任务中无人员伤亡。

    State-run RIA news agency , citing an unnamed regional navy official , reported that Somali pirates were captured and no Russians were hurt during the rescue mission .

  19. 如果记录生活中的艰难时刻的做法是一种药物,德雷克·贝尔(DrakeBaer)在商业内幕(BusinessInsider)网站上写道,一些不知名的制药公司就可以一夜暴富了。

    And if writing about the difficult parts of your life were a drug , writes Drake Baer at Business Insider , it would be making bank for some faceless pharmaceutical company .

  20. 还有不知名的科尔法公司、CFX,它们都具有9倍的收益前景。

    Or little known Colfax Corporation , CFX . At nine times forward earnings , this company is in the " fluid handling " business .

  21. “如果记录生活中的艰难时刻的做法是一种药物,”德雷克·贝尔(DrakeBaer)在商业内幕(BusinessInsider)网站上写道,“一些不知名的制药公司就可以一夜暴富了。”

    And " if writing about the difficult parts of your life were a drug , " writes Drake Baer at Business Insider , " it would be making bank for some faceless pharmaceutical company . "

  22. 与奥林巴斯大众化数码相机系列的其它型号一样,1030sw所使用的闪存卡也基于较不知名的xd卡格式,但明智的是,这款相机同时也支持市面上更常见的microsd卡。

    Like other models in the Olympus line-up of consumer digital cameras , the 1030 SW uses flash memory cards based on the relatively obscure xD-Picture card format , but sensibly this model also supports the more widely available micro SD cards as well .

  23. Radar公司对于小成本制作公司来说是个发现新人的绝佳地方,这就意味着我们能够看到许多不知名制作人的作品……而他们会尽全力去完善作品,因为他们也在为成名而努力。

    So Radar is a great place to find new talent when you don 't have a huge budget , and it means I can put a track out to lots of unknown directors and getting them arrange scripts and ... and you konw get a great product because they are trying to make a name for themselves .

  24. 尽管文章认为中国专利制度并非朝向有利于中国公司的方向进行构建,但它表示最近“相对不知名的中国公司对苹果、三星(Samsung)和戴尔(Dell)等著名外国科技公司提起了大量广受关注的专利诉讼”。

    While the paper found that China 's patent system was not structured to benefit Chinese companies , it said there had been a number of recent " high-profile patent suits filed by relatively unknown Chinese firms against high-profile foreign tech companies like Apple , Samsung and Dell . "

  25. 但我却开始查看邮件,在网上消磨时光,看到了HuffingtonPost上面的一则消息:一位衣着考究的不知名女士丢掉了工作,在麦迪逊大道(MadisonAvenue)上乞讨,来养活4个孩子。

    But instead I started checking e-mails and wasting time on the internet and found myself reading a story from the Huffington Post about a nameless , well-dressed woman on Madison Avenue who had lost her job and was begging on the street to feed her four children .

  26. 杰米·福克斯(JamieFoxx,他的真名是埃里克·毕晓普[EricBishop])还是个不知名的喜剧演员时,每次出现在即兴表演活动中时都用杰米这个艺名,因为他觉得俱乐部一般是先叫女人上台表演。

    When he was still an unknown comedian , Jamie Foxx ( whose real name is Eric Bishop ) adopted the stage name Jamie whenever he appeared at open-mike events , based on his belief that clubs tend to call women onstage first .

  27. 游戏模式的切换和PES2011的布局完全相同,现在你可以看到背景中有真实比赛片段,而不是一个不知名的球员自己在那比划。

    Moving between game modes , exactly the same as PES2011 in the layout , you now have real life footage playing in the background , rather than a single unknown player doing his stuff .

  28. 面动脉在下唇还发不知名的细小分支,对代偿缺如的下唇动脉起一定作用。

    Facial artery also sends tiny branches to the inferior lip .

  29. 其他许多较不知名的作家也不时出现在英语文学中。

    Many other lesser-known figures have punctuated English literature as well .

  30. 音乐会以一位不知名的作曲家的一首曲子开始。

    The concert began with a piece by an unknown composer .