
bù jūn yún
  • Uneven;nonuniform;inhomogeneous;heterogeneous
不均匀[bù jūn yún]
  1. 中期,CT表现为髓腔不均匀钙化;从骺-干骺动脉到髓腔;

    In the middle stage , CT manifestation was inhomogeneous ossification in the intramedullary cavity .

  2. 1例恶性纤维组织细胞瘤,CT见边界光滑清楚肿物,推移邻近肺组织,增强见明显不均匀强化,并见侵袭肋间肌;

    Malignant fibrous histocytoma also appeared smooth margin mass and inhomogeneous contrast accompanied invasion of intercostal muscle ;

  3. 运动员抱怨说网球场的反弹力不均匀。

    Players complained about the uneven bounce of the tennis court .

  4. 油漆如果太稠就涂不均匀。

    If the paint is too thick , it will not spread evenly .

  5. 她能听到他不均匀的呼吸声,似乎他是跑着过来的。

    She could hear his ragged breathing , as if he had been running

  6. 他能听到她的呼吸不均匀。

    He could hear that her breathing was uneven

  7. 克服矿化不均匀效应的X荧光取样最佳测网

    Optimum measuring net for correcting mineralizing heterogeneity effect in XRF sampling

  8. 目的对在线扫描扩散成像法下由患者运动和磁场不均匀引起的MR图像运动缺失现象进行修正和补偿。

    Objective Correct MR line scan diffusion image with motion missing caused by patients motion and asymmetric magnetic field .

  9. 含横向裂纹的力学不均匀焊接接头的J积分研究

    Study on J integration of mechanical heterogeneous welded joint containing transverse crack

  10. 针对不均匀截面线簇曲面生成时会造成曲面控制顶点数量急剧膨胀的问题,提出了一种基于曲线重采样插值重构的B样条曲面生成方法。

    In the B-spline surface reconstruction with interpolation method , the surface 's control points will rapid increase if the cross-sectional curves are uneven .

  11. MRI平扫示肿块信号不均匀,并可以见到血管流空征象。

    On MRI scans , the tumors had inhomogeneous signal intensity and the vascular flowing-void effect could be seen .

  12. 具有不均匀保护特性的Turbo码多级编码调制方案

    A Turbo Multilevel Coded Modulation Scheme of High UEP

  13. 结果:NOS阳性神经细胞在翼腭神经节中呈不均匀散在分布,密度自出生后呈逐渐下降趋势,到成年降至最低,并恒定直到老年。

    Results : The NOS positive cells are scattered in pterygopalatine ganglion .

  14. SEM实验表明,镀层表面形貌为团粒状,颗粒大小较不均匀。

    SEM experiment displays that the deposit has a ( surface ) morphology of granular structure with uneven grain sizes .

  15. 4例巧克力囊肿,MRI表现信号不均匀,有亚急性和慢性出血的MRI表现;

    Cases were chocolate cystoma , whose signals were not uniform , the same as the manifestations of subacute or chronic hemorrhage ;

  16. 最后利用这两个效应,讨论了不同Tc相和不均匀性在样品中地大致分布,从而丰富了电感法所能得到的信息。

    The rough distribution of the different Tc phases and the non-homogeneity in the samples is discussed so as to enrich the informations attained by means of an inductance method .

  17. PCM不能检测不均匀、低或高的引擎汽缸压力。

    The PCM cannot detect uneven , low , or high engine cylinder compression .

  18. 采用特定波长的滤色镜获取窄范围的频谱能量测定温度,避免CCD或其它光电探测器的光谱响应不均匀性对探测的影响;

    It is used the special wave length filter to narrow the band and to avoid the optical spectrum character of CCD .

  19. 结果表明,高温下Al阳极电流效率普遍下降,腐蚀变得不均匀;

    The result shows that the current effiency of anodes has the common tendency to decrease and the surface dissolution characteristics becomes uneven with the temperature increasing .

  20. 首先,针对FED显示器现存的亮度不均匀、灰度失真等质量缺陷和FED驱动系统功耗较高的问题进行了分析讨论和归纳总结;

    Firstly , analyzed the present problems of FED display quality such as luminance non-uniformity , grayscale loss and high power consumption on FED driving system .

  21. 研制了CCD不均匀性校正系统,实现了通常校正中忽略的暗电流不均匀性的实时校正。

    A correction system for CCD nonuniformity is developed . The real time correction of dark current nonuniformity , which was usually neglected , is realized .

  22. 差异均有显著性。T2WI像呈不均匀信号12例,呈较均匀信号2例;增强扫描均呈不均匀强化。

    12 of the cases showed significant but inhomogeneous contrast enhancement .

  23. MR的基本特征有室壁肥厚、心肌信号不均匀、左心室流出道狭窄、心肌运动不均匀、二尖瓣少量返流和心包积液等。

    The basic MR appearance of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy include : ventricular wall hypertrophy , heterogenous intensity of myocardium stenosis of the outflow tract and impaired motion of left ventricle , slight of mitral regurgitation as well as pericardial effusion .

  24. 本文就通过研究尾波Q来探索地壳内不均匀介质随时间的变化及其与地震发生的关系作了初步探讨。

    Through the research on coda Q , this paper discussed the variations of the heterogeneous media in the crust with time and explored preliminarily its relation with the occurrence of earthquakes .

  25. 液体Al-Fe合金的微观不均匀结构研究

    Micro-Inhomogeneous Structure of Liquid Al-Fe System Alloys

  26. 不均匀Feynman力理论

    The Inhomogeneous Feynman Force Theory

  27. 变异位点在基因组上的分布不均匀,变异位点最多的是基因组中编码S1蛋白的区域,而在编码依赖于RNA的RNA聚合酶区域中几乎没有变异位点。

    The distribution of the segregating sites is not steady , the most variable region appears in S1 protein , and the nucleotide sequence of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase has very few mutation sites .

  28. 在VLSI芯片的设计中,供电不足和供电不均匀正日益成为困扰设计人员的一个严重问题。

    During the process of designing a cell based layout of very large scale integrated ( VLSI ) circuits , the deficiency and uneven power consumption have turned into obsession problems .

  29. 当Floquet边界的相位移为90°时,面电流分布最不均匀;

    While the phase shift of the Floquet boundary is 90 ° , the surface current distribution is the most asymmetric .

  30. TEM和XRD的分析表明:富碘层AgBr0.83I0.17中碘的分布不均匀,集中在晶粒的顶角处;

    TEM and XRD analyses show that iodide rich layer is composed of AgBr 0.831 I 0.17 , in which iodide is not distributed uniformly and mainly located near the corners of the cubic core grains .