
  • affordable
  1. 由亚历桑德罗•萨托利(AlessandroSatori)设计的伯鲁提系列服装,让人念念不忘,但印象最深的是其母公司路威铭轩(LVMH)的营销策略——努力吸引那些不差钱、但对时尚趋之如骛的年长男士。

    Berluti 's clothes , designed by Alessandro Satori , are impressive enough but most striking of all is the strategy of owners LVMH , gunning hard for an older , wealthier but style-hungry customer .

  2. 咱不差钱。

    Not short of money .

  3. 今天我男朋友说要带我去他最喜欢的餐厅,还说哥今天请客不差钱你随便点。

    Today , my boyfriend told me he was taking me out to eat to his favorite restaurant .

  4. 结果怎样看来只有天知道,但诸位每天早上拾掇自己,不仅得不差钱,还得舍得花时间;

    Lord knows , you have to be not only cash-rich but time-rich to go through with all this palaver every morning ;

  5. 与此同时,不差钱的游客也许很快就有机会潜水游览泰坦尼克号残骸。

    Meanwhile tourists with plenty of money to splash might soon have the chance to dive to the wreck of the original Titanic .

  6. 我国一家新成立的商业太空公司预计最早于2020年开始为不差钱的顾客提供太空旅行。

    A newly established commercial space company in China expects to start providing space journeys for people with enough cash as early as 2020 .

  7. 大家都看到了北京的例子,知道了不差钱的话可以达到何种效果,不过伦敦显然不打算采用这种方式。

    We 'd seen Beijing and seen how you do it when money is no object . Quite clearly London wasn 't going to be able to do that . '

  8. 有人的秀发光泽如缎,如剑桥公爵夫人,这类人通常“不差钱”,去得起专业发廊;有人则留着像蜘蛛侠系列里爱玛•斯通一样的刘海,给人亲切可人的印象。

    Someone with glossy hair like the Duchess of Cambridge is likely wealthy enough to afford a professional blow-dry , while someone with a fringe like Emma Stone in The Amazing Spider-Man series leaves an amicable impression on others .