
  • 网络Non-recyclable waste;UNRECOVERABLE GARBAGE;TRASH;non-recoverable waste
  1. 园林绿化垃圾是城市不可回收有机垃圾的重要组成部分。

    Landscaping waste is an important component of urban non-recoverable organic waste .

  2. 对不可回收的垃圾,如腐烂垃圾、厨房垃圾、果壳、花草、衣服等投放到指定的另一垃圾桶内。

    Place recyclable rubbish , such as the decomposed garbage , kitchen refuse , shell , flowers , clothing and so on into the another designated dustbin .

  3. 据说,国外不少地方还实行垃圾按量收费政策,家里产生的不可回收的垃圾都要按照重量和数量支付垃圾处理费的。这样的环保政策,您会支持吗?

    The system usually operates with free collection of recycled waste , with the principle therefore being that'the more you recycle , the less you pay ' .