首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 宁失一虐,不失一友;莫因玩笑伤感情。

    Better lose a jest than a friend .

  2. 试想,能与真理做朋友,那么师生之间又何以不可为友呢?

    Just think , can be friends with the truth , then how can the student not to be friends ?

  3. 不肯让友共享果实的,不要指望友与他共患难。

    He that will not allow his friend to share the prize must not expect him to share the danger .

  4. 她那“微薄的”零花钱,她说道,根本买不起舍友用的大牌商品。

    Her " meager " allowance , she said , prevented her from buying branded goods that her hostel-mates enjoyed .

  5. 但是由于对外开放程度不同,中国各城市的友城发展不均衡,地方友城工作也存在着许多亟需解决的问题。

    But owing to the different degrees of opening up , the friendship city development in China is imbalanced . A certain number of problems related to friendship city work needs to be tackled .