
  • 网络inferior thyroid tubercle
  1. 可见肺外带胸膜下结节,与肺裂相关。

    Subpleural nodules are visible peripherally and in relation to the major fissures .

  2. 肺内结节及胸膜下结节为RA的特征性表现;

    ( 2 ) pulmonary nodule and subpleural nodule are the characteristics findings in RA .

  3. 室管膜下结节是TSC最重要的MR影像学表现之一,以T1加权成像(T1WI)及梯度回波序列显示效果最佳。

    T1-weighted imaging ( T1WI ) and gradient echo sequences are more sensitive to the subependymal nodules than T2-weighted imaging ( T2WI ) .

  4. 结论:CT发现钙化结节有其特异性,MR检查T1WI发现室管膜下结节敏感,T2WI发现白质异常信号较为敏感,FLAIR序列显示皮质结节更为清晰。

    Conclusion : CT is specified to nodules calcification . T_1WI is sensitive to the subependymal nodules while T_2WI is sensitive to the white matter changes and FLAIR sequence shows cortical tubers more clearly .

  5. 中倍镜下结节硬化型霍奇金淋巴瘤有明显的纤维束。

    At medium power , nodular sclerosing Hodgkin 's disease has prominent bands of fibrosis .

  6. 并且与小儿胃十二指肠疾病关系密切,其中与胃镜下结节性胃炎和消化性溃疡伴慢性胃炎最为密切。

    Chronic gastritis , particularly nodular gastritis and peptic ulcers in children are closely associated with Hp infection .

  7. CT上有室管膜下钙化结节和皮质结节特征性表现。

    Nodes under the ependyma and nodes in the cortex were characteristic expressions in CT .

  8. 位于肋骨或脊柱横突下肺结节性病变,采用仰、俯、侧卧或倾斜体位,并倾斜CT扫描架角度5~20°;

    Up-face 、 down-face 、 tilting posture or scanning angle of the CT-scanner at 5 ~ 200was performed , according to the nodule in lung beneath the rib or vertebra ;

  9. 我们报告了CT诊断颅内结节性硬化15例。发现脑室管膜下钙化结节有15例,皮质结节5例,白质病灶4例。

    We reported 15 cases of patients with tuberous sclerosis by CT and found subendymal nodules in all 15 cases , cortical tubers in 5 cases , and white matter foci in 4 cases .

  10. 4例见到皮层下钙化结节。

    Calcified nodules were detected in 4 cases .

  11. 目的评价彩色多普勒引导下甲状腺结节粗针穿刺活检的准确性和安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the accuracy and security of coarse needle biopsy in thyroid nodules guided by Color-Doppler .

  12. MRI发现3例室管膜下未钙化结节。

    Cases with isolated subependymal nodules were found by MRI ;

  13. CT引导下的肺部结节针吸活检结果为非小细胞肺癌。

    CT-guided fine-needle aspiration of a lung nodule revealed cells consistent with non – small-cell carcinoma of the lung .

  14. 通过解剖镜下计数脾结节、半固体琼脂法检测CFU-GM及常规计数外周WBC变化进行造血功能测定。

    The hematopoietic function was evaluated with the spleen node count under microscope , semi-solid agar CFU-GM assay and peripheral blood WBC count .

  15. 结论MSCT与Pinpoint导引下肺内小结节穿刺活检可以获得较好的组织学标本,是一种安全、准确的诊断和鉴别方法。

    Conclusion Directed by pinpoint stereoscopic system , MSCT-guided puncture biopsy of small pulmonary nodules is a good method to get histological result . It was a safe and effective method for diagnosis and differential diagnosis .

  16. 方法对超声检出肝内≤5cm结节、血清AFP阴性的患者90例行超声引导下肝内结节穿刺活检,同时行细胞学涂片和组织学切片检查以及临床随访。

    Methods Ninety cases with negative AFP and hepatic nodules (≤ 5 cm in diameter on ultrasonography ) underwent ultrasound guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy . The specimen were sent for cytology and histology examination after biopsies .

  17. 方法:12个下腰椎Schmorl结节来自10例严重下腰痛伴或不伴坐骨神经痛患者。

    Method : 12 Schmorl ′ s nodes derived from ten patients who had severe low back pain with or without leg pain .

  18. 目的:观察前列腺被膜上动脉和前列腺被膜下动脉以及结节内的异常血流信号,旨在探索经直肠彩色多普勒血流显像对前列腺癌的诊断意义。

    Objective : To study the abnormal blood flow signals of the supracapsule and infracapsule branches of the prostatic artery and the gland with color Doppler imaging for diagnosing prostate cancer .

  19. CT导引下3cm以下肺结节切割针活检的价值

    Value of Cutting Needle Biopsy under CT Guidance for Lung Nodule Less than 3 cm

  20. 然后对所培养的细胞分别进行骨钙素免疫组化染色和ALP活力测定,并利用茜素红S,检测在条件培养基下细胞形成矿化结节的情况。

    Then immunohistochemical staining was used to assay the bone osteocalcin of the cultured cells , and the activities of ALP were measured . The formation of mineralized nodules of the cultured cells was assayed by alizarin red S under the conditional culture .

  21. 胞浆碱性磷酸酶染色强阳性,在一定条件下可产生钙化结节,结节的四环素荧光标记呈阳性。

    Alkaline phosphatase staining showed strong positive reaction in cytoplasm . Tetracycline fluorescence label showed positive reaction in the nodules .

  22. 大的融合病灶常位于肺周或胸膜下,呈多结节聚集,粟粒结节72.7%的病例有空泡征,结节分布在空泡周围,外缘分叶。

    The large noduli generally located at the periphery of lung or under the pleura and noduli were focused together , vacuole sign was present in 72.7 % cases and the noduli were around the vacuole , and lobulated .

  23. 结果:灰质异位症依据形态与位置,主张将其分为四型:室管膜下型、非室管膜下型、结节型、弥漫型。

    Results : Brain gray matter heterotopia were classified into four types according to their locations and shapes : subependymal type , non-subependymal type , nodular type and diffuse-type .