- 网络Downgrade

After S & P 's downgrade Il Sole-24 Ore , a business newspaper owned by Confindustria , the bosses'federation , said it was time for Mr Berlusconi to go .
However , some of the gains faded after the Fitch downgrade .
Just as their last-minute downgrades of Enron nailed its coffin , these also might be the end , at least for Citigroup .
Further downgrades are possible , Fitch said , if legislators and Arnold Schwarzenegger , governor , do not end a stalemate over how to close a $ 26bn budget gap .
Rating agency downgrades often confirm what most investors already know .
Admittedly , after the last downgrade nothing much happened .
But further downgrades may be needed before a deal is finally struck .
But in this case , the downgrade simply catches up with recent market movements .
The agency left in place its negative outlook , signalling further downgrades are possible .
This paper firstly divided the samples into two groups , up-regulated rating and down-regulated rating .
TO the downgrading , market response to low attention stock is insufficient , which lead to price drift phenomenon .
It is the first downgrade warning for one of the stronger European economies since the Greek debt crisis flared up this spring .
Again , the main reason why UK banks risk " potential downgrade " is that they might be resolved without taxpayer support .
Study on market reaction of stock of different rating and different attention , namely the influence of rating upgrade on stock with different attention .
" The timing is awful , " said one hanoi-based economist . " The government may come out fighting over the downgrade for political reasons . "
If this was really making the system safer and sounder , then why are the rating agencies putting the banks on notice of potential downgrade actions ?
However , for the rating , due to their obvious early response , and response excessively , market performance after rating is diametrically opposite to the downgrading .
Defaults or downgrades of assets sometimes threatened to make funds " break the buck " to be unable to maintain the $ 1 fixed value and have to go into runoff .
The finance ministry said the downgrade was " pre-announced and all its consequences have been anticipated , planned for and addressed " by eurozone partners who are backing Greek efforts to avoid a disorderly default .
There will be no quantitative easing to underpin the Treasury market , and interest rates will probably already be rising ; so a hit from the rating agencies would catch Treasuries on the back foot .
S & P said the downgrade followed the retroactive insertion by Athens of a " collective action clause " forcing all bondholders to accept the terms of the deal put forward by the government for bonds issued under Greek law .
Spain , in the gun sights of the bond vigilantes , could not avoid being shorn of Fitch 's triple-A rating , although parliament approved the government 's austerity program & by one vote .
Bond traders said Moody 's downgrade of Japan was not a surprise .
Eurozone markets were hit hard following the downgrade .
The downgrade provided no new facts but underscored fears that the world is a risky place .
On Sunday , South Korea and Japan said they had not changed their view on US Treasuries following the S & P move .
Markets are bound to remain highly jittery , although it seems unlikely that American bond yields will rocket as a result of the S & P downgrade .
The downgrade came after it emerged European officials were weighing up a bailout programme for Spain that would aid its banking sector while imposing only limited conditionality on Madrid .
The decision to downgrade AIG ( AIG ) amid the financial crisis is a perfect example of a rating action having a real and disastrous impact .
Other major rating agencies have not followed S & P 's lead .