
  • 网络Upper and lower limits;caps and floors;caps and collars
  1. 请注意EXTRACT的第二个参数,它定义所需索引值的上限和下限。

    Note the second parameter of the EXTRACT that defines the upper and lower limits for the required index values .

  2. 通过最大化模糊隶属函数来确定投入与产出权重的上限和下限,以避免传统DEA模型中权重为0的缺陷。

    Upper and lower bounds of input and output weights were determined through maximizing membership function in order to avoid drawback of zero weight in traditional DEA model .

  3. 基于此给出了求解每个DMU的区间超效率值的上限和下限的确定型DEA模型。

    Based on this principle , models of getting upper and lower bounds of the super efficiency scores for each DMU are set up .

  4. 实验结果表明:同时设置发酵液的pH上限和下限可避免恒pH补料分批培养过程中葡萄糖的周期性缺乏问题;

    The research results shown that : the pH controlling strategy , which pH high limit and pH low limit was set at one time in the experiment , could avoid periodical absence of glucose during fed batch culture ;

  5. 提出费用函数的概念,构建采用费用函数改进FCM(fuzzyC-Median)的优化算法,并且指出最佳聚类数的上限和下限,大大缩小了最佳聚类数的搜索空间。

    The expense function was brought forward , which was used to improve the classical FCM ( Fuzzy C-Median ) algorithm , and upper limit and lower limit were pointed out , which reduced the searching space by a long way .

  6. 计算中选用6-31G(d,p)基组,分别用完全平衡校正和不完全校正法进行校正,这两种方法给出了基组重叠误差(BSSE)的上限和下限。

    In all calculations we use the 6-31G ( d , p ) basis set . Basis set superposition error ( BSSE ) is corrected and the upper and lower limits of BSSE are determined for the water-water hydrogen bond energy .

  7. acdirmax和acdirmin&指定目录属性缓存超时值的上限和下限。

    Acdirmax and acdirmin & Specifies the upper and lower limit for the directory attribute cache time out value .

  8. 报警上限和下限任意设定;

    Upper and lower limits of the alarm can be set freely ;

  9. 航路还应当确定上限和下限。

    The upper and lower limits of an airway shall be also defined .

  10. 根据计算结果,得到了超导电枢绕组交流损耗的上限和下限。

    The upper and lower limits of ac loss in armature winding will be obtained .

  11. 市场需求和企业成本分别为产品的价格确定了上限和下限。

    Market demand and enterprise cost respectively determine the up and down limits of product prices .

  12. 土壤温度的上限和下限值极大地影响农田作物的生长发育。

    The upper and lower limit values of soil temperature affect crop growth and development greatly .

  13. 单点锡膏厚度测量是否定义了其控制上限和下限?

    Is the upper and lower specification limits for individual Solder Paste height measurements also defined ?

  14. 对锡膏厚度测量的平均值和间距是否定义了其控制上限和下限?

    Are LCD 's and UCLA 's defined for the average and range of Solder Paste measurements ?

  15. 还可以通过报警初值模块来设定报警的上限和下限值。

    Initial value can also report to the police to set the alarm module and the lower limit of the ceiling .

  16. 从非线性规划角度而言,极限分析上限和下限定理是互为对偶关系的。

    From the point of nonlinear optimization theory , there exists strong duality between static and kinematic principles of limit analysis .

  17. 在实际中,干扰用户输入光与目标用户输入光既有平行部分又有垂直部分,所以实际系统的误码率介于误码率上限和下限之间。

    Both interference users parallel and upright with the targeted signal are discussed , derived the upper and lower bound of the BER performance .

  18. 对于关联交易的账务处理,提出用分行业计算各行业平均利润率,进而限定关联交易价格的上限和下限;

    Thirdly , as to the accounting transactions , the thesis makes a calculation of average return ratios of different industries in order to limit the trade price of RT.

  19. 鉴于基于统计的自动文摘结果常常出现语句间缺乏连贯性及信息冗余的问题,设计了句间语义距离测试函数,并通过大量实验确定语句间语义距离的上限和下限。

    Considering the problems of lack of logic between sentences and information redundancy were usually exist in the statistical-based abstraction result , a distinguish function based on semantic distance was purposed .

  20. 从19世纪70年代以来的数据清楚表明,这一利差一直呈现出稳定的上限和下限。如今,我们正处于历史信贷风险的极限。

    The spread has historically exhibited consistent upside and downside limits clearly indicated by data going back to the 1870s . Today we are at an outer extreme of historic credit risk .

  21. 这种类型的行为可以确保我们了解基准工作负载的上限和下限,并将预测的值限制在这些已知的范围之内。

    This type of behavior caused us to make sure we knew the upper and lower boundaries of a benchmark workload and limited the estimated values to those that were between the known values .

  22. 从而得出以下结论:对于中级水平的汉语学习者来说,每分钟150字&250字的语速是可以接受的,但是具体语速的上限和下限仍需进一步的研究;

    It therefore appears that , for mediate Chinese learners , the speed below 250w / m is acceptable , though we don 't know what the upper limit and lower limit of the speed are ;

  23. 将电路的逻辑控制分为两个相对独立的部分,分别利用恒导通时间控制技术和平均电感电流信号来确定电感电流的上限和下限,即可实现PFC。

    To achieve PFC , this mode divides the logical control into two parts , then it determines the prescribed maximum inductor current and the minimum inductor current respectively by constant turn-on time technology and the average inductor current signal .

  24. 并对深水钻井锚链的动力特性进行了计算分析,得到锚链的特征频率和振型,由此分析其动力响应的上限和下限。

    The characteristics frequency and vibration model of the anchor-chain was got by calculating and analyzing the dynamic properties of the deep water drilling anchor chain , and the up and down limits of the anchor-chain dynamic response were studied .

  25. 本文明确了铺盖长度的上限和下限,推导出不等厚铺盖和等厚铺盖的极限长度计算式(13)及(15)。

    The paper in another respect gives , from equations ( 13 ) and ( 15 ), a method of calculation of the upper and lower limit lengths of the blanket for both of the cases of uniform and nonuniform thickness .

  26. 得出结论:当企业收益介于分红计划上限和下限时,报酬契约可能导致经理人员采取增加收益的会计政策,而当收益高于(低于)上限(下限)时则可能采取减少收益的会计政策;

    Conclusions of this part are , when income lines between upper limit and lower limit of bonus plan , managers choose those policies that can increase income , while when out of the two limits , choose policies that can reduce income ;

  27. 根据气体爆轰波横波强度的实验观测和理论分析结果,通过分析横波碰撞前后前驱激波后的压力变化,提出了胞格周期中前驱激波速度上限和下限值的估算方法。

    According to the experimental values of the transverse wave strength in gaseous detonation , an approximate method for estimating the extreme values of the leading shock velocity variation has been established by analyzing the pressure change in front of and behind the transverse wave collision .

  28. 对属于医疗保险支付费用的服务项目,在费用支付总量上,宜实行人均定额付费制,并设置上限和下限,采取不同的结算方法,防止降低服务质量。

    Belonging to the medical insurance paid for services , fees paid in total , the fixed per capita payment system should be implemented , and set the upper and lower limits , to take a different billing method , to prevent the lower quality of service . 8 .

  29. 测量量程由上限值和下限值决定。

    The measurement span is determined by the higher and lower range values .

  30. 通过限制锂离子电池的上限电压和下限电压以及最大电流实现电池组的均衡工作。

    It limits the maximum voltage , lowest voltage and maximum current of lithium-ion batteries .