
  • 网络up digging
  1. 他们在小路上挖深沟设饵雷。

    They dug trenches in their path and set booby traps .

  2. 退潮时他们在海滩上挖贝类。

    They dug for shellfish at low tide

  3. 建筑工人在软石上挖了洞以支撑梁端。

    The builders had cut holes into the soft stone to support the ends of the beams .

  4. 这些人在马路上挖了个洞。

    The men have dug a hole in the road .

  5. 为了帝国的安全,那些地下室里花了巨大的代价在潮湿的土地上挖出来的。

    Those caverns had been sunk in the swampy ground at great cost , for the security of the empire .

  6. 他记得这些节目的建议,知道他应该在雪地上挖个洞。

    He remembered the advice from these programmes and knew that he should build a hole in the snow .

  7. n.排水沟,沟沟渠是在地上挖的细长构造,可用以排水。

    A ditch is a long , narrow place dug in the earth to carry off water .

  8. n.沟渠;壕沟沟渠是在地上挖的一个又长又窄用来排水的地方。

    ditch A ditch is a long , narrow place dug in the earth to carry off water .

  9. 正如美国麻省理工学院(mit)的中国学者黄亚生所言,要实现较高的总体增长并不难只要在地上挖几个洞,再把它们填满。

    As Yasheng Huang , a China scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of technology , has said , it is easy to produce high headline growth by digging holes and filling them up again .

  10. 在道路项目完成后,Olken让工程师在各条道路上挖取核心样品,以估算使用的材料的数量。

    After the road projects were completed , Olken had engineers dig up core samples in each road to estimate the quantity of materials used .

  11. 青年组织KochHope的成员安装了水灯泡,他们先把一个两升的塑料瓶装满水和一点漂白剂,然后在金属屋顶上挖个洞,把瓶子的腰身卡在洞里,然后用硅胶把四周密封防止雨水流入。

    Members of the youth group Koch Hope installed the water bulb . First , they filled a two-liter plastic bottle with water and a little . Next , they cut a hole in the metal roof . They pressed the bottle halfway into the hole . Then they used silicone caulk to seal around it to

  12. 软质岩基上挖孔桩承载力的实用计算

    Calculation of Bearing Capacity of Reamed Pile on the Soft Rock Foundation

  13. 上百英里的水渠在湿地上挖好了。

    Hundreds of miles of drainage canals were built in the wetlands .

  14. 他们轮流在地上挖抗。

    They took turns to dig holes in the ground .

  15. 于是我们开始往上挖,并不是往下钻。

    And we decided to dig up , instead of digging down .

  16. 情人们在树上挖凿出他们的名字。

    The lovers gouged out their names on the tree .

  17. 我在地上挖一个洞种树。

    I dug a hole in the ground to plant the tree .

  18. 他们在边上挖水槽并灌满汽油。

    They dug a trough aiong the border and fiiied it with gasoiine .

  19. 她在地上挖了一个窟窿。

    She scraped a hollow place in the ground .

  20. 这个小动物会在地上挖凹形藏身洞。

    This small creature dishes out a shelter for itself in the ground .

  21. 这个小孩在沙滩上挖了一个隧道。

    The kid dug a tunnel in the sand .

  22. 木工用钻孔机在木板上挖个洞。

    The carpenter used a drill to bore a hole in the board .

  23. 孩子们喜欢在沙上挖着玩。

    The children like to dig in the sand .

  24. 那士兵在地上挖了个散兵坑以便藏身。

    The soldier hollowed oat a foxhole in the ground to lie in .

  25. 昨天,他们在地上挖了个洞。

    They made a hole in the ground yesterday .

  26. 没人知道他为什麽要在地上挖个洞。

    Nobody knew why he was going to dig a hole in the ground .

  27. 那堆土是我们在地上挖这个坑时掏出来的。

    That pile of earth came from the hole we dug in the ground .

  28. 不要期待在会上挖到“抢先的新闻”或者任何重大的科学新闻。

    Do not expect to get'scoops'at conferences , or even major science news stories .

  29. 岩壁上挖了可供攀附的凹洞。

    There are niches cut in the rock .

  30. 防止马匹在地上挖地基,有助于保持地板的水平。

    Prevents horses from digging at the floor and helps to keep the floor level .