
  • 网络Upstream Downstream
  1. 所得结果表明,水中天然U含量变化,从上游至下游呈现逐渐减低的趋势。

    The results of U content are given , it shows a change trend from high to low in U content from upper to lower .

  2. 互用性-越来越多的工作需要在bug追踪器之间协同完成,从而管理相关的上游和下游bug。

    Interop-More work is going to be done for bug trackers interop with each others to manage relations to upstream / downstream bugs .

  3. H2O2还与其它信号系统特别是激素信号相互作用,是激素介导的信号传导通路上的上游或下游组分;

    H_2O_2 also interacts with other signal systems , especially hormone signal system , and forms upstream or downstream components of hormone-mediated signal-transmitting passageways ;

  4. 重组体用克隆位点上游和下游的T7和T3启动子序列为测序引物,用自动测序仪测序鉴定克隆的正确性。

    The recombinant was sequenced by automatic sequencer with promoters T7 in upstream and T3 in downstream as sequencing primers .

  5. 供应链(SUPPLYCHAIN,SC)是指由原材料的供应商、制造商、分销商、零售商、顾客等成员,通过与上游、下游成员的连接(Linkage)组成的链状结构或网络结构。

    Supply chain is defined as the catenaries or net structure constituted by the linkage of upper and lower member such as provider of raw and processed materials , manufacturer , distributor , shopkeeper and customer etc.

  6. 分析了土壤有机质和CEC在流域的分布规律,发现土壤有机质和CEC在流域尺度上均呈现由上游至下游波动增加的趋势。

    The results showed that soil organic matter and CEC both had fluctuating increase trend from the upstream to downstream of the watershed .

  7. 由于氯碱化工企业B规模比较小,所在地区没有资源优势,缺少足够的资金进行上游或下游业务的拓展,适合于以氯碱化工企业为核心的主导型产业共生网络的规划与建设。

    The chlor-alkali chemical industry B is relatively small-scale , without resource advantages and sufficient funds for the expansion of upstream or downstream business , which led to the leading type of industrial symbiosis networks with the chlor-alkali chemical industry as the core role .

  8. 而结合F3影响因子分析,黑河绿洲可持续发展水平的潜力在空间上则表现为从上游到下游递减趋势。

    By analysis of the influence factors combining F_3 , the potential space of level in the Heihe oasis shows decreasing tendency from the upstream to the downstream .

  9. 对1979、1980两年长江水系水体、鱼类及部分江底沉积物中天然铀含量进行了分析测定。所得结果表明,水中天然U含量变化,从上游至下游呈现逐渐减低的趋势。

    The uranium content in water and fish in Yangtze River is determined in 1979 , 1980 . The results of U content are given , it shows a change trend from high to low in U content from upper to lower .

  10. 主要研究结果如下:(1)闽江福州段沉积物中PAHs,总量和PAHs单体含量从上游到下游都呈下降趋势。

    The main results are as follows : ( 1 ) The concentration of total PAHs and PAH isomers obviously showed a downward trend from upstream to downstream in the sediments of Minjiang River in Fuzhou city .

  11. 因自然净化降解和区间汇流的综合作用,污染物浓度指标由上游至下游呈现快速下降的趋势,其中氨氮、COD(Mn)和BOD5指标的浓度去除率分别达到51.6%、41.6%和43.1%。

    For self-purification and section runoff concentration , the concentration of pollutant index decreases sharply from the upstream to downstream , thereinto , removal rates on NH ~ + _4-N , COD and BOD was 51.6 % , 41.6 % and 43.1 % respectively .

  12. 采用美国HACH公司DR/5000紫外可见分光光度计,及其专用试剂测定嘉陵江(南充段)上游、下游水样中总磷含量。

    Measure of total phosphor content in Jialingjiang River ( upward and backward position in Nanchong ) with DR / 5000TM Spectrophotometer produced in HACH company .

  13. 沉积物中PAHs总量为0.244&2.805μg·g-1,从上游到下游呈升高趋势,工业污染和城市活动是黄浦江水环境中多环芳烃的重要来源。

    The total concentration of PAHs in sediments was 0.244 & 2.805 μ g · g - 1 . PAHs content increasing from upper to downstream Huangpu river implicated that industrial pollutant and city activity were the important source of PAHs in Huangpu river .

  14. 其中有1个片段(X1)与第8号染色体的长臂的一段序列完全同源,其上游与下游存在锌指蛋白基因。

    One of the fragments ( X-1 ) was completely homology with the section series of the eight chromosome long arm . There was a zine finger protein in the upper stream and the down stream .

  15. 连接上游和下游的所有过程完全自动化。

    All connections to upstream and downstream processes are fully automated .

  16. 组件按流体流动行程列出:从上游到下游。

    The components are listed in flow order : upstream to downstream .

  17. 上游和下游区域间没有共同的优势物种。

    There was no common dominant species between upstream and downstream districts .

  18. 产业链的上游和下游

    Upstream and downstream of the industrial / Business chain

  19. 此传输系统利用分频多工传输来分开上游与下游之通信讯号。

    In the VDSL system FDD is used to separate upstream and downstream signals .

  20. 滦河中下游水库群联合供水优化调度问题的研究沿河向上游[下游]航行

    Research on Optimal Operation of Joint Water Supply of Reservoir Group in Middle-down Streams of Luan River

  21. 各监测指标基本上是随乌鲁木齐河从上游至下游逐渐增加。

    Basically , The monitoring indicators are gradually increase with the Urumqi River from upstream to downstream .

  22. 通过增益阻抗的实部符号判断干扰源在监测点上游还是下游。

    The sign of the real part of the impedance can reveal if the disturbance is from upstream or downstream .

  23. 自上游至下游,泥沙密度沿程略有变化,年际间比较稳定。

    There is a little change of sediment density from upper to lower reaches but is stable year after year .

  24. 通过刻度脉冲系统参数和采集岩心上游与下游之间的压差随时间的变化关系,经计算软件自动处理后,获得岩心液体渗透率值。

    By calibrating the parameters of pulse system , the liquid permeability of core can be automatically obtained with a computer .

  25. 汽车行业在我国整个国民经济体系中占据着非常重要的位置,对上游和下游等其他很多行业具有极大的影响力。

    Auto industry plays an important role in the national economy with great influence to both up and down stream industries .

  26. 从上游和下游两方面阐述了会议论文的主要内容;

    It also presents the main ideas of papers at the conference , involving the two aspects of both upstream and downstream .

  27. 汽车行业愈演愈烈的市场竞争,使得其在整个汽车供应链上游和下游的企业都面临着巨大的压力。

    With the growing competitive situation in the Automotive Industry , every party in the whole supply chain faces a big pressure .

  28. 从流域的上游到下游,景观多样性和均匀度呈增加的趋势,景观破碎化程度呈下降趋势,这种景观异质性的空间差异反映了流域空间开发历史的长短和人类活动强度的差异。

    The difference of landscape heterogeneity among the watershed space reflects the history of watershed exploitation and the intensity of human activities .

  29. 使用线性氧传感器测量三元催化剂上游和下游的空燃比。

    Linear exhaust gas oxygen sensors are used to measure air-fuel ( A / F ) ratio upstream and downstream of each catalyst .

  30. 不过在这里并没有出现“工序”(上游或者下游),新出现的概念是“迭代”。

    But no " processes "( upstream or downstream ) are found here , and a new concept of " iteration " appears .