
  • 网络Shanghai Tang;Shanghai;The bund;Shanghai Beach
  1. 今日美术馆、银泰中心和上海滩等的支持。

    This project is supported by Institut Ramon Llull , Today Art Museum , Yintai Center and Shanghai Tang .

  2. 房地产经纪公司称,这家香港零售商败走的原因是,Abercrombie&Fitch支付的租金为每月约100万美元,是上海滩支付的3倍。

    The Hong Kong retailer lost out because Abercrombie & Fitch offered the landlord about $ 1m in rent per month , three times more than Shanghai Tang was paying , real estate agents say .

  3. 波涛滚滚涌上海滩。

    Waves rolled in on the beach .

  4. 因创办“上海滩”服饰连锁店[2006年已售予瑞士历峰集团(RichemontGroup)]而闻名的邓永锵发现了解高层人士有好处。

    Tang , who is most known for founding the Shanghai Tang clothing chain , which he sold to the Richemont group in 2006 , has found that it pays to know people in high places .

  5. 我爱上海滩随意晒一下。

    I love to hit the beach and grab a tan .

  6. 海水把几块木头冲上海滩。

    The sea washed pieces of wood onto the beach .

  7. 船开上海滩,人们开始离船上岸。

    The boats beached and men began to walk ashore .

  8. 由近代上海滩青帮探源秘密社会

    Seeking the Origin of the Secret Society from the Modern Shanghai Gangdom

  9. 阿联酋航空与迈凯轮车队竞速上海滩

    Emirates Airlines Competes With McLaren Racing For The Shanghai Market

  10. 于是我告别了香港,进军上海滩。

    So I sold everything in Hong Kong and moved to Shanghai .

  11. 海军陆战队队员首批登上海滩。

    Marines were the first to land on the beach .

  12. 大海把各种残骸碎片都冲上海滩。

    The sea throws up all sorts of debris on the beach .

  13. 追踪上海滩犹太人的足迹

    Trace the footprint of the Jews in Shanghai

  14. 他把小船拉上海滩。

    He drew the boat onto the beach .

  15. 创业上海滩&上海的宁波籍企业家现状及分析

    Establishing a Cause in Shanghai-An Analysis on the Status of Ningbo Businessmen in Shanghai

  16. 那次上海滩之行同样给我多彩的人生增添了美好的记忆!

    The travelling of shanghai have also add a good memory to my colorful life !

  17. 纺织服装批发市场系列报道不败的上海滩传奇&上海轻纺市场掠影

    Legend of Shanghai textile & garment market

  18. 弃货和被海浪冲刷落海的货品潮水把碎片杂物冲上海滩。

    The sea tided the deBris ashore .

  19. 上海滩新昌城超限高层建筑结构设计分析

    Structural Design Analysis on High-Rise Building beyond Requirements of Current Specification Limits in Shanghai Xin-Chang-Cheng Project

  20. 河水哗哗地流过湍滩。海水把几块木头冲上海滩。

    The river brawled over the rapids . The sea washed pieces of wood onto the beach .

  21. 几十艘船被抛上海滩,更多的船只则葬身海底。

    Dozens of ships were washed ashore and more dozens were buried at the bottom of the sea .

  22. 一日,许文强外出返家,发现全家惨死,为报血海深仇决定重返上海滩。

    One day Xu went back home , only to find that all his family had been brutally murdered .

  23. 拍卖所的新楼公寓,哪怕在象上海滩这样的热门海滨城市里的,也开始在投标人的面前失去吸引力。

    Auctions of apartments in new buildings are failing to attract bidders even in formerly hot coastal cities like Shanghai .

  24. 例句与用法:他们须通过齐膝的烂泥和堆积物,磕磕绊绊来到遇难者身旁.潮水把碎片杂物冲上海滩。

    They had to wade knee-deep through mud and debris to reach the victims . The sea tided the debris ashore .

  25. 在上海滩的活动,很少见到有中国人穿古着貂皮披肩。

    At J & E Mansion for the Shanghai Tang Party – one doesn 't see vintage mink shawls in Beijing very often .

  26. 舰长说,为了让登陆特遣部他能顺利冲上海滩,我们必须吸引岸上的炮火来攻击我们。

    The Captain says that we must draw the fire of the shore battery in order that the landing party can get to the beach unopposed .

  27. 他们被巨大的船只拖上海滩,形成一些荫凉,渔民会躺在那里休息;

    and it is pleasant to see their great boats hauled up on the beach , making little patches of shade , where they lie asleep ,

  28. 地面扰动称为地滚波,它可能包含瑞雷波和其它纵、横形式的波动。波涛滚滚涌上海滩。

    The surface disturbance is termed ground roll and may include Rayleigh and other vertical and horizontal modes of propagation . Waves rolled in on the beach .

  29. 当我跨出小船,走上海滩,我注意到尽管太阳很热,空气却突然变凉了。

    As I stepped out of the boat and walked up the beach , I noticed that although the sun had been very hot , the air suddenly seemed cooler .

  30. 萨尼亚市的女性发言人凯塔琳娜·欧文斯表示,工作人员们花费了数个小数收拾这些美国人“入侵”后的残局,他们要清理啤酒瓶、冷却器,甚至是被冲上海滩的野餐桌子。

    Sarnia city spokeswoman Katarina Ovens said workers spent several hours cleaning up after the invasion , picking up beer cans , coolers and even picnic tables that had washed up on the shore .