
shànɡ jì
  • submission of budget reports up to the king or emperor: a practice in ancient China which was instituted in the Warring States Period;the best thing to do;the best way out
  • the best policy
上计 [shàng jì]
  • [the best policy] 见上策

  1. Duo公司在一年后要付年税率30%的税,还可以要求资金补贴(税收允许的降值),按25%在余额递减的基础上计提。

    Duo Co pays tax one year in arrears at an annual rate of30 % and can claim capital allowances ( tax-allowable depreciation ) on a25 % reducing balance basis .

  2. 西汉上计,并非国家审计。

    Upper project of West Han is not a state audit .

  3. 帝都岛(中业岛)上计有居民5人;

    Five lived on Zhongye Dao ( Thitu Island ) ;

  4. 当时西南岛(南子岛)上计有居民7人,中有孩童2人;

    Seven were on Nanzi Dao ( South West Cay ) , two of them were children .

  5. 其中的六号汉墓出土木牍《集簿》证实了西汉上计用集簿既非会计账簿,也非“会计报告”;

    The wooden " collecting book " used in upper project of west Han is neither accounting books nor " accounting report " .

  6. 中国审计史的研究,应当走出西汉上计是国家审计这一学术误区。

    The study of audit history of China should be moved from the wrong academic area that upper project is a state audit .

  7. 经济与城市化快速发展,随之而来的人口密集,交通拥挤,环境质量恶化,生态安全威胁越来越被提上计事日程。

    With the rapid economic development of urbanization , densely populated , traffic , environmental quality deterioration , ecological security threats are drawn more and more times .

  8. 建立了悬挂于金属塔上计及高压母线效应时的金属氧化物避雷器三维静电场模型,利用有限元数值方法计算了这一静电场分布。

    3D electrostatic model for surge arresters suspended under metal tower considering bus effect is proposed in this paper , and the electric field is solved with finite element method ( FEM ) .

  9. 而汉代边塞的档案管理制度则是上计制度的一个重要环节,这是边塞档案管理制度在边塞行政中的首要任务和作用。

    However , the file management system of border fastnesses was an important link of the counting system and also be primary task and function in the file administration of border fastnesses in the Han Dynasty .

  10. 各级地方政府在户口登记的工作结束后,对登记的户口资料进行统计和总结,编制户籍簿,逐层上报到朝廷,由此形成了上计制度。

    When the household registration ended , all levels local governments collected and summed up the datum of registration , and constituted Registration Book , then reported layer by layer to the court , which form the system of statistic and submit .

  11. Kappa检验主要检验配对计数资料C×C表主对角线上的计数值是否显著地大于其期望值。

    Kappa statistics focuses on the counts in the major diagonal of the C × C table , testing if the diagonal counts were significantly higher than those expected ( by chance alone ) .

  12. 事实上这个计画是由于「一个广播业馀爱好者在法文的Debian列表中寻找像是这样的计画而找不到」的想法而启始的。

    In fact the project was initiated on idea of a radio amateur who was looking for such a project on a French Debian list and didn 't find one .

  13. 利用管道储气技术.通过动态模拟计算方法可以调整和X上没计,解决系统供需矛盾,向用户安全、稳定供气。

    With the technology of pipeline gas storage to resolve the contradiction of gas supply and demand as well as to safely and steadily supply gas to consumers , the method of transient dynamic simulation calculation of pipeline can be used to improve and optimize the pipeline network design .

  14. 在此基础上没计了a-e五种滤波器,其幅频响应特性曲线类似矩形,通带顶部平坦、纹波接近于0dB,隔离度可以达到50dB。

    Five kinds of filters ( from a to e ) are designed , with rectangle-like amplitude frequency response characteristic curve , flat top pass band , nearly 0 dB ripples , and isolation up to 50 dB .

  15. 绳子的长度加上气压计的长度,就等于该摩天大楼的高度。

    The length of the string plus the length of the barometer will equal the height of the building .

  16. 本质上,计提折旧是成本、费用的分配过程,计提减值准备是一种资产的计价方法。

    In essence , recognized depreciation is allocation process of costs and expenses , recognized allowance is pricing method of assets .

  17. 精密离心机上加速度计安装姿态误差和主轴姿态误差对测试的影响

    The influence of accelerometer 's fixing attitude errors and main-axis ' attitude errors on accelerometer 's test on the precision centrifuge

  18. 针对传统水尺检量方法的局限性,提出一种基于加密型值表的改进方法,从根本上减少计重误差。

    Due to limitations of traditional Draught Survey method , The paper proposes an improved method to radically reduce Draft Survey errors .

  19. 对此,一方面采用三参数流量计代替上压力计,另一方面设计了泄流式验封密封段。

    Therefore a3-parameter flow meter is used to replace the upper pressure meter , on the other hand , a seal section isd .

  20. 世界上千万计的人们使用针灸去缓解各种疼痛,但这一传统治疗方法的原理依旧不清。

    Millions of people worldwide use acupuncture to ease a variety of painful conditions , but it 's still not clear how the ancient treatment works .

  21. 把三组加速度计分别粘贴在砂轮架的前、中、后三个位置,测量砂轮在线加工时的振动加速度信号。导轨上加速度计的搭载位置与砂轮架类似。

    Suits were respectively fixed in front , middle and back positions of grinding carriage , and the vibration acceleration signal of grinding wheel was tested online during machining .

  22. 由于角速度是由载体上加速度计敏感出的比力解算出的,选择合理的方法解算角速度是提高其精度的根本。

    Since angular velocity is calculated by apparent acceleration that is sensed through accelerometer on board , it is the basement to choose a reasonable method in order to improve the precision .

  23. 在发生部位上,计有7例胆总管结石,1例胆囊管结石,1例胆总管合并胆囊管残端结石;

    Patients had common bile duct , common hepatic duct , and ( or ) intrahepatic duct stones : 1 stone was impacted in the cystic duct ; 1 patient had both biliary and cystic calculi ;

  24. 利用MATLAB进行了仿真,使得在三轴转台上标定加速度计动态误差系数有了清晰的先验认识和结果预期。

    As the result of simulating finished with MATLAB , clear prior knowledge and anticipated result of calibrating dynamic error coefficients of accelerometer on three-axis turntable are obtained .

  25. 实现CAPP和PPC功能集成是从根本上解决生产计画与工艺整体优化的途径。

    An overall optimization of process plans and production plans ( schedules ) must be achieved by integrated CAPP with PPC functionally .

  26. 在这个飞行器上使用加速度计带来的好处不大。

    Less benefit is achieved on this vehicle by use of the accelerometer .

  27. 在这期间,处理器处于停止状态,浪费了上10亿计的时钟周期。

    Meanwhile , the processor just sits there , wasting billions of cycles .

  28. 要进行这种测量,我们必须使用一台装在飞机上的光度计。

    We must carry out the measuremnt with a photometer on an airplane .

  29. 三步矩阵对策上的无中生有计及其实例

    Nothing Yielding Fruit Trick on a Three-stage Matrix Game and Its Living Example

  30. 介绍了微加速度计的工作原理,得出了不同方向上的加速度计的等效刚度。

    The operational principle and the lumped parameters model of capacitive micro-accelerometer are introduced .