
  • 网络upper deviation;ES,es
  1. 把上偏差小于下偏差的公差定义为虚公差,探讨了虚公差存在的理论基础及其意义,从而丰富了公差的内涵而发展为广义公差,更适合计算机辅助公差设计。

    It is the first time to define the tolerance with upper deviation smaller than lower deviation as virtual tolerance which is given in this paper as well .

  2. 生产绿地CA值最小,形状上偏差最大,基本呈团聚分布。

    The CA value of the production green space is smallest , the shape deviation is biggest , assumes the reunion distribution basically .

  3. 模型的预测值与实验值的上偏差在20%以内,负偏差在15%以内。

    The error of the model value comparing to the experiment value is less than + 20 % and - 15 % .

  4. 目前,大学生的感恩意识总体状况是积极向上的,但是仍有部分大学生存在感恩意识和行为上偏差。

    At present , the gratitude awareness of college students is approaching to be positive as a whole , but there are still some students deviating from course in the awareness and behavior .

  5. 在第6章里,考虑在利用量子态演化来制备Bell态的过程中,由于测不准原理,对时间的操作是不可能极其精准的,于是时间上的偏差便不可避免的出现了。

    In Chapter 6 , it concerns on the time departures that are resulted by the inaccurate-measure theory in Bell state preparing process and gives a scheme for applying them to quantum states transfer .

  6. 该技术的一种变体是查找已知压缩算法在JPEG、MP3和其他文件上的偏差,因为压缩算法都是公开的。

    Some variations in this technique look for deviations from known compression algorithms in play on JPEGs , MP3s , and other files , as the compression algorithm is publicly known .

  7. 然后,在此基础上采用偏差解耦控制策略,从数学推导中分析了该控制策略的特点,设计了VSC的控制器,并设计了二阶滤波器和LC滤波器。

    The VSC controller designed in this paper is based on the strategies of deviation decoupled control , and the characteristics are analyzed from the mathematical calculations process , then the second-order filter and LC filter are designed .

  8. 目前TFT-LCD的坏点检测方法大多为离线方式,且需要依赖大量人工进行,这样不但检测效率低,而且主观的判断也会造成检测上的偏差。

    At present TFT-LCD defect detection is mostly the off-line mode , and needs a lot of manpower , so its efficiency is very low and also will create the deviation in the process of detection due to the subjective judgment .

  9. 2.Deviation偏差A:我们允许在材料的使用上有所偏差吗?

    A : Do we allow any deviation on the material ?

  10. 把方向盘往右边转转,好修正驾驶上的偏差。

    Turn the wheel to the right to correct the steering .

  11. 首先是媒介使用上存在偏差。

    The first is there is a deviation on media use .

  12. 经济文化类型作为民族学中的专有概念在理解和具体应用中存在一定的认识上的偏差。

    Economic Cultural type is the special concept in ethnology .

  13. 我们答应在材料的使用上有所偏差吗?

    Do we allow any deviation on the material ?

  14. 你可以看到我的一些专业建模作品艺术上的偏差。

    You can see some of my professional modeling works on my Deviant Art .

  15. 其实,这些问题和不足,归根结底是经营策略上的偏差。

    In fact , these problems usually result from the lapse in business strategy .

  16. 初步审计策略及其认识上的偏差

    Preliminary Audit Strategies and Its Errors in Recognition

  17. 但是重要的是要明确这个区别才能纠正认识上的偏差。

    But , it is important to make that distinction explicit to correct inaccurate perceptions .

  18. 焦虑通常被认为是一种不正常的情绪或情感上的偏差。

    Anxiety is often regarded as a kind of abnormal emotion , or mental deviation .

  19. 为纠正铁路资产价值上的偏差,须对其进行资产评估。

    Railway assets must be e-valuated in order to correct deviations of values of railway assets .

  20. 发展中国家劳力市场上的偏差不亚于工业国。

    Labor markets are no less distorted in developing countries than they are in industrial ones .

  21. 由于长期以来认识上的偏差,对其限制过多过严,直至1993年后,才具有和其他经济形式平等的发展机会。

    It gets its chance of development on equal footing since 1993 with other economic forms .

  22. 不用说出现故障了,光是质量上的偏差,每天就会带来上百万美元的浪费。

    Variations in quality , let alone failures , can waste millions of dollars , in days .

  23. 认为应针对少数民族学生实际,帮助他们矫正心理和学习上的偏差,尊重差异,因人施教,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,提高英语学习成绩。

    We should respect their differences , arouse their interest in learning English and improve English teaching method .

  24. 这主要是我们对世界先进足球理念认识上的偏差导致我们足球技术教学、训练出现失误。

    Chinas football skill level falls behind other countries mainly because the gap in international advanced football theory .

  25. 原因在于人们观念上的偏差、市场机制的不完善以及法规不健全。

    The causes lie in people 's wrong concepts , the inappropriate market mechanism and insufficient laws and regulations .

  26. 运用粗糙集理论克服传统方法确定权重造成的主观经验上的偏差。

    Rough set theory overcomes the traditional method to determine the weight on the deviation caused by the subjective experience .

  27. 因此能够减少用户或者是开发人员在理解模型表达的信息上的偏差;

    So it can reduce the difference of understand between user and developer in the information that the model expresses .

  28. 本文的工作之一是先将不一致信息系统进行约简,再形成近似决策规则,这样能一定程度上缓解偏差。

    One main aim of this paper is to reduce the information system , and form approximate decision rules then .

  29. 大学生生命观的主流是好的,但也确实也存在着许多认识上的偏差。

    The mainstream of the undergraduates ' life view is fine , but there still are some warps in it .

  30. 幼儿撒谎是一种普遍现象,但有些家长和教师由于认识上存在偏差,从而导致了矫正策略上的失误。

    Infant Lying is a sort of universal phenomenon , but some parents and teachers epistemically have some deviations about it .