
  1. 一九九零年在圆明讲堂上明下旸大和尚座下受三皈五戒,开始茹素念佛。

    In1990 , he became a Buddhist and vegetarian after taking Three Refuges and undertaking the adherence of the Five Commandments under Great Master Ming Yang , in Yuanming Temple in Shanghai .

  2. 虚云禅师在现代中国禅宗史上具有重要的影响,他对禅宗的贡献之一是有针对性地提出了系统的禅修方法,体现为三个方面:一是以三皈五戒作为修行根本;

    One of Xu Yun ′ s Contributions to Chan School is his theories on practice system which is reflected in three aspects : first , he took trisaranagamana and five commandments as practice foundation ;