
  1. 你应该去三潭印月。

    You 'd better go to the Three Pools Mirroring the moon .

  2. 安徽三潭枇杷品种调查

    Varietal investigation of Santan loquat in Anhui

  3. 这就是如今西湖三潭印月景区的三角亭。

    This is the triangular pavilion at the Moonlight Reflected in the Three Towers scenic spot .

  4. 没关系。我们要去这些地方的大部分。看,我们现在来到了三潭映月。

    Never mind . We 're going to most of those places . Look , we 're here at Three Pools Mirroring the Moon .

  5. 首先是畅游西湖,可以欣赏到令人难忘的景色,如三潭映月、白堤、苏堤和孤山。

    You will first cruise across the West Lake to view unforgettable sceneries such as the Three Pools Mirroring the Moon , the Bai and Su causeways , and Solitary Hill .

  6. 那是“三潭印月”。有月光的晚上,三座石塔的孔倒映在湖上,看上去就像三轮明月在湖面上婆娑起舞,故名“三潭印月”。

    That 's the " three Pools Mirroring the moon " . on moonlit nights the openings on the three pagodas are reflected on the lake , which gives the illusion of three moons dancing on the water 's surface , hence the name .