
sān lěi
  • third base
  1. 出局一个,胜负关键在三垒。

    Just one out and the winning run at third base .

  2. 那个小子为什么在三垒上撒尿?

    Why is that little boy peeing on third base ?

  3. 罗德里奎兹是是纽约扬基队的三垒手。

    Rodriguez is the New York Yankees ' third baseman .

  4. 他犯了错,应该跑到三垒的。

    He made a mistake , he should 've gone to third .

  5. 游击手:防御二垒垒包与三垒垒包中间区域的内野手。

    Shortstop - Defensive infielder between second and third base .

  6. 那是温菲尔德在这局中第二次扔过第三垒。

    That was winfield 's second overthrow of third base this game .

  7. 使满垒有或让跑垒员处于(全部三垒上)

    To have or put runners on ( all three bases ) .

  8. 我在二垒和三垒间被触杀出局。

    I was tagged out between second and third .

  9. 一垒手、二垒手、三垒手和游击手则叫做内野手。

    The first , second and third basemen and shortstop are called infielders .

  10. 那抽烟和想要上三垒应该叫什么?

    Whatever happened to smoking cigarettes and trying to get to third base ?

  11. 他能打第二垒或第三垒,也能打外场。

    He could play second base or third base and in the outfield .

  12. 在棒球运动中有四个垒位——一垒,二垒和三垒。

    There are four bases in baseball -- first , second and third .

  13. 保罗击出一记三垒打,跑回本垒。

    Paul batted three runs and toped off the game with a home run .

  14. 穿过第一和第三垒标示棒球场地边界的线。

    Lines through 1st and 3rd base indicating the boundaries of a baseball field .

  15. 道奇队员正在跑全三垒

    The Dodgers are on a three-game run .

  16. 他想象自己是个三垒手,但他的身体有其他想法。

    He envisioned himself as a third baseman , but his body had other ideas .

  17. 汤姆以牺牲打于史密斯进占三垒。

    Tom sacrificed Smith to third base .

  18. 哈勒【7】一垒安打,梅斯占据三垒。

    Haller singles , Mays holds third .

  19. 被本垒和一、二、三垒包围起来的棒球场地。

    The area of a baseball field that is enclosed by 3 bases and home plate .

  20. 棒球队中站在二垒和三垒之间的队员的位置角色。

    The fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed between2nd and3rd base .

  21. 这位三垒手星期一敲了两支全垒打追平了大联盟四月份14轰记录。

    The third baseman entered Tuesday with a Majors record-tying 14 home runs in April after he slugged two on Monday .

  22. 球被打到外野的远处,在对方其中一位外野手失误后,他跑上三垒。

    The ball went deep into the outfield . Allowing him to get to third base after one of their outfielders made that error .

  23. 一次打比赛,在进第三垒时,我的防滑钉被卡住了,身体朝前栽倒,脚腕却扭向右后方。

    During a game , while sliding into third base my cleat caught and pulled my foot to the right and backward as my body fell forward .

  24. 这里有一个关于棒球的表述可以比喻那些拥有优势却浑然不知的人&即出生在三垒上,却自以为打了一个三垒打。

    There is a baseball expression for those with advantages who do not know it – being born on third base and thinking you hit a triple run .

  25. 但右外野手明白投手的意思,所以他把球抛得远远的,高过三垒手的头。

    But , the right fielder understood what the pitcher 's intentions were , so he threw the ball high and far over the third baseman 's head .

  26. 三垒审:负责监督三垒安全上垒或出局,左手打击者是否出棒,球落到左外野线上是否属于界外球。

    Third Base Umpire - responsible for monitoring safe / out calls at third base , deferred strike out calls of left handed batters , and fair ball calls down the left field line .

  27. 内场,内野第一垒、第二垒、第三垒和被视为一个单位的游击手的防守位置二垒手:防御二垒垒包附近的内野手。

    The defensive positions of first base , second base , third base , and shortstop considered as a unit . Second Baseman - The fielder who plays the infield near the second-base bag .

  28. 使自己或队友接近垒位&要在防守方接住球、击球手出局之前从一垒跑到二垒,三垒,直到本垒,为球队得分。

    To bring himself or his teammates around the bases-1st , 2nd , 3rd , then Home , scoring a run for his team , before the defenders can catch the ball recording the out .