
  • 【地名】【日本】Miura
  1. 三浦十分惊慌,因为他不知道怎么办。

    Shep panicked as he did not know what to do .

  2. 三浦认为,语言就是人类表达和理解过程的结果&声音和文字。

    He thinks that language is the result of expressing and understanding & sounds or words .

  3. 新近失业之一是三浦修,谁两个监测作出一个庞大的丰田市附近,普锐斯混合动力汽车工厂的质量管理年工作,在那里的汽车制造商的基础。

    One of the newly jobless is Osamu Miura , who worked for two years monitoring quality control at a sprawling plant making Prius hybrids in nearby Toyota City , where the automaker is based .

  4. 论文第三章对华浦公司的基本情况、组织结构、业务构成、所处的产业环境及公司的发展战略目标等做了简要介绍。

    The third chapter gives a brief introduction of the basic situation , organizational structure , business structure , industrial environment , and the strategic development objectives of the company .