
wàn ɡuó ɡōnɡ fǎ
  • international law
  1. 日本国将诚实遵守所签署之条约及已确立之国际法规(万国公法)。

    The treaties concluded by Japan and established laws of nations shall be faithfully observed .

  2. 美国领导人们不但承认,而且认真遵循万国公法。

    American leaders not only acknowledged the law of nations , but took its directions seriously .

  3. 除了受制于万国公法外,征服者之意志即征服地之法律。

    Except as restrained by the laws of nations , the will of the conqueror is the law of the conquered .

  4. 按照万国公法规定,国家无法改变自然的义务,尽管是通过协议,也不能单独或合议解放其应负的义务。

    By the Law of Nations , nations can not alter natural obligations by agreement , nor individually or mutually release themselves from it .

  5. 国际法(亦称国际公法或万国公法)是用来调节国家间的关系的法律体系。

    International law ( otherwise known as public international law or the law of nations ) is the system of law which governs relations between states .

  6. 第一章从西方的合作政策和清政府外交思想的改变入手,对《万国公法》引进的时代背景做一简单介绍。

    Chapter one presents a simple introduction of the background of Wanguo Gongfa from the aspect of western cooperative policies and Qing Government 's diplomatic thoughts .

  7. 《万国公法》中文版的问世,对当时的清政府来说,是进一步认识已经走进条约体系的西方国家、在以弱对强的劣势处境下争取自身民族利益的一种机遇。

    For the government of Qing Dynasty , the birth of it was an opportunity to further understand the western countries which had entered the framework of treaties and to struggle for the interest of our own nation under the unfavorable circumstances .

  8. 人民币汇率波动对我国国际收支调节的有效性分析国际法(亦称国际公法或万国公法)是用来调节国家间的关系的法律体系。

    The Analysis of Adjusting Effectiveness of the Balance of Payments of China by RMB Exchange Rate ; International law ( otherwise known as public international law or the law of nations ) is the system of law which governs relations between states .