
  • General highway;【交】ordinary highway
  1. 本文在完成了一个公路通行费征收系统的实践基础上,阐述了如何基于视频卡和利用VFW来进行视频采集以及如何实现一般公路计算机收费系统的监控要求。

    On the basis of a Toll System recently completed , this paper presents how to improve the performance of Monitoring System with Video Capture Card and VFW .

  2. 一般公路指路标志设置规定的探讨

    General Highway Guide the Sign Establish to Rule of Study

  3. 目前国内外对一般公路车流量预测方法的研究已经趋于成熟。

    At present the research on the general road traffic flow forecast has matured .

  4. 浅谈一般公路桥梁的日常养护

    The Study on Common Maintenance of Highway Bridge

  5. 山区一般公路路侧危险度划分方法研究

    Research on Classified Method on Danger Degree of Roadside of Ordinary Highways in Mountainous Areas

  6. 高速公路除具有一般公路的属性外,有其自身的生存形态、生存空间、发展动力和发展演变规律。

    Besides ordinary features , highway still has its own features such as existing forms space . power and developing regulations .

  7. 简要介绍了一般公路桥梁如钢筋混凝土桥、砖石混凝土桥、桥梁支座、桥墩基础的技术检查以及如何进行日常养护等工作。

    From several aspects , the paper introduced the maintenance of reinforced concrete bridge , masonry concrete bridge and bridge support and pier foundation .

  8. 在行车荷载作用下,钢桥面铺装层的受力与变形较一般公路沥青路面或机场道面复杂得多,也是钢桥面铺装层结构设计的一个重要因素。

    The mechanics and deformation of deck surfacing of steel bridges are , due to wheel loading , more complicated than asphalts for road and airport .

  9. 原条运材车辆是林区桥梁的主要荷载型式,运材车辆荷载对桥梁的动力作用同一般公路桥梁的车辆荷载相比有很大的区别。

    Log-track is the main form of loads in forest bridges , the bridge dynamic actions caused by log-track are quite different from those caused by normal truck in highways bridges .

  10. 用该模式模拟公路线源的大气扩散,结果表明,高架路和一般公路的污染在地面浓度上差异较大,而在垂直方向上差异较小。

    The atmospheric diffusion of the line source is simulated using this model , showing that the ground concentration is much different and the vertical concentration difference is small between the flyover and the highway .

  11. 本论文的主要研究工作主要体现在以下几个方面:1.参考一般公路隧道建立了海底隧道衬砌变异检查体系,确定了海底隧道衬砌变异的检查内容。

    The major work of this research is summarized as follows : 1 . The inspection system of the undersea tunnel was established and the inspection Contents was ascertained , with references general road tunnels inspection system .

  12. 在对高速公路施工路段交通特性深入分析的基础上,参考现有一般公路施工路段交通组织方案,充分考虑高速公路的行车特点等因素,进行高速公路施工路段交通组织方案设计研究。

    With in-depth analysis on traffic characteristic of works sections , consulting traffic organization of generic road works sections existing , considering travelling particularity of expressway works sections enough , traffic organization of expressway works sections is discussed in detail .

  13. 黄河大堤路面产生裂缝的危害比一般公路裂缝的危害大的多,裂缝的存在不仅影响了堤防美观,还大大损害了堤防结构的整体性,降低了堤防抗风险的能力。

    The cracks in asphalt pavement of the Yellow River Embankment is more harmful than the general pavement , the cracks not only affect the appearance of the dike , but also prejudice to the structural integrity and reduce the ability of dike to resist risks .

  14. 双车道公路作为国家和省内的一般干线公路,是我国公路网中最普遍的一种公路形式。

    As main highway form in our country , the two-lane highway is very universal in road network .

  15. 结合当前工程实际情况,对一般等级公路施工过程中资料的编制工作存在的问题进行分析,并在对产生问题原因论述的基础上提出相对应的改进措施。

    Based on the practice , analysis is made on the problems in the data workout according to general highway construction , and provided the solutions .

  16. 而与一般的公路相比,我国高速公路交通事故中,单车事故所占的比例较大。

    Compared with the Low grade highway , there is high proportion taken up by single vehicle accidents in traffic accidents in the express highway of our country .

  17. 五年内,计划投资350亿元,建设完成高速公路561公里;新建和改建一般干线公路318公里,新建和改造农村公路5000公里。

    Five years , plans to invest 35,000,000,000 yuan , to complete construction of 561 km highway ; general construction and upgrading Route 318 km new highways and 5,000 km of rural transformation .

  18. 特大桥往往处于水陆交接处,跨度大,距离长,发生交通事故造成的损失及救援难度要远大于一般的公路事故,特别是危险品运输事故。

    A super large bridge which locates often in a junction of land and river has the feature of large span and long distance . The loss and rescue which caused by traffic accident will be greater than that of highway , especially in case of dangerous goods .

  19. 一般而言,通过公路的数据流动得越快,服务器和应用程序的性能就越好。

    Generally , the faster the flow of data through the highway , the better the server and application performance .

  20. 目前我国尚无城市公路隧道的设计规范和建设标准,隧道衬砌计算和设计一般套用铁路和公路隧道的设计规范。

    At present , the specifications for railway and highway tunnel is taken for the lining calculation and design of urban road tunnel indiscriminately , because the design specifications and construction standards for urban road tunnel are not issued in China yet .

  21. 县乡公路是我国公路网的重要组成部分,在目前我国纳入统计范围的公路构成中,县乡公路一般是指县级公路和乡镇级公路,又叫农村公路,不包括村级公路。

    The rural road is an important part of China 's highway network . At present , the rural road covered in the annual statistics usually refers to road of the county and town level that also defined as countryside road , not including road of village level .

  22. 城市桥梁一般比较宽,因此,其横向分布系数跟一般公路桥是有区别的。

    The urban bridge is usually wider than the highway bridge , so its transverse distribution coefficient is different from the later .