
  1. 目前,在更多的竞争者如雨后春笋般萌芽之前,在改革让高等教育变得更加多样化之前,将A-level成绩看做一考定终身的传统仍将保持。

    For the moment , until more competitors spring up and reforms diversify tertiary education further , the ritual of life-shaping A-level envelopes is here to stay .

  2. 贝塔:“一考定终身”恰恰是人类的悲剧。

    Beta : That 's exactly thy tragedy of human beings ( applause ) .

  3. 而所谓多元评价或多次机会的改革,也不会改变一考定终身的状态。

    Meanwhile the so-called multi-evaluation or multi-opportunity reformation can 't change the status of test deciding the lifelong .

  4. 高校自主招生是对一考定终身考试制度的有力抨击,也是选拔优秀创新人才的新探索。

    Self enrolment is powerful attack at " college entrance examination decides one life " test system and also explored new areas of selecting the outstanding innovation talented person .

  5. 取而代之的是一年多考学生可以自己选择何时考、考几次,从而减轻学生的学习压力并改变中国一考定终身的考试制度。

    Instead , tests will be held several times a year to allow students to choose when and how often they sit the exam so as to alleviate study pressure and change Chinas once-in-a-lifetime exam system .