
yī cì jiǎo nà
  • pay in a lump sum
  1. 第五十三条罚金在判决指定的期限内一次或者分期缴纳。

    Article 53 A fine may be paid in a lump sum or in installments within the time limit specified in the judgment .

  2. 申请人对决定不服的,可以在接到决定时申请复议一次。期满未缴纳或者未缴足的,其申请视为撤回。

    If the applicant is dissatisfied with the decision , he may apply for reconsideration upon receipt of the decision . If the fees are not paid or not paid in full within the time limit , the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn .

  3. 一入会费:会员入会时一次缴纳,其数额于章程中定之。

    Admission fee paid by members when joining the commercial trade council , which is stipulated in the articles .