
  • 网络Polaroid
  1. 双带式真空贴膜机725/DB被设计用于连线真空贴膜,可适用于一次成像干膜,阻焊干膜,非传导性膜和满足SBU技术的铜箔。

    The Dual Belt Vacuum Applicator Mod.725/DB has been designed for in-line vacuum application of primary imaging dry film , solder mask , dielectric film and copper foil for SBU technology .

  2. 你用宝丽来一次成像照相机拍的这些照片吗?

    Did you take these with a polaroid ?

  3. 负重位全下肢一次成像摄片装置的研制与应用

    Development and Application of One-time Imaging Set for Whole Low Extremities in Burdening Posture

  4. 一次成像照相机太笨重,假日外出使用不方便。

    Instant cameras are bulky , and its not convenient for you to use on holiday .

  5. 小径管一次成像透照及底片评判小径管透照射线机位置指示器

    The oneshot ray Photograph of small Radius Pipe and Evaluation of Negatives DEVICE LOCATION INDICATOR FOR RADIOGRAPHIC INSPECTION OF SMALL DIAMETER TUBES

  6. 双壁双投影法透照椭圆一次成像在小径管焊口缺陷评级中的使用

    Defects ' gradation of welded seam for small-diameter tubes by using dual-wall and dual-projection method for imaging transmission ellipse at a time

  7. 折反射全景图像具有一次成像,全向获取的优点。本研究针对折反射全景图像的独有特点设计了一种以室外建筑为主题的空间布局理解方法。

    With respect to this particular advantage , our research proposes a spatial layout understanding method in terms of an outdoor-building-scene image .

  8. 目的:研制全下肢一次成像摄片装置,以获得一次摄取全下肢X线影像。

    Objective To develop the imaging and photographic set so as to achieve one time X ray image of the total low extremities .

  9. 一次成像相机的问题在于没有底片,而其相片在数年内就会明显褪色。

    The problem about the instant camera is the lack of negative , and their print can fade considerably within a few year .

  10. 基于扫描仪成像原理,分析扫描成像可能出现模糊的成因,基于扫描成像的特性,结合一次成像中的运动模糊恢复方法设计了扫描成像模糊图像恢复算法。

    Based on imaging principle of scanner , the cause of motion blur was analyzed in the next part . Then based on scanning imaging feature and motion-blur restoration method , a blur-image restoration algorithm is designed to process blur-images obtained from scanning . 3 .

  11. 根据检测的要求以及瓶子的特点,选择了符合检测要求的硬件设备和合理的照明方式。并设计了多级反射一次成像的瓶壁图像光学采集装置,实现了瓶壁全方位图像采集。

    According to the inspection need and the characteristic of the bottles , the paper chooses hardware equipment which can conform the performance requirement and the reasonable illumination scheme and designs an optical imaging device by multi-layers reflection to get omnidirectional sidewall image of empty bottles .

  12. 该方法以镜头安装面为基准,通过两次对机械结构旋转部分的修整和一次对成像介质位置的修整,实现光学系统成像清晰的目的。

    Further , it puts forward a new method , which is based on the lens ' assemble plane and realizes the purpose of optical system imaging clearly by refacing revolution mechanic part two times and adjusting imaging distance .

  13. 本文从理论和实验上证明人类视觉成像是一个二次成像的过程,初级像位于眼瞳前的球面上,视网膜像是初级像干涉叠加而成的二次像。

    That the imaging process for human vision is a secondary imaging process is proved full in the theory . The result of experiment is concerned with calculation from the theory .

  14. 该自动跟踪系统采用图像传感器检测太阳位置变化,按照小孔成像原理设计一次传感器一成像机构,将太阳投影成可以被图像传感器采集的光斑图像。

    The automatic tracking system using image sensor detects the position of the sun changes , design imaging body by the principle of pinhole imaging , then the sun projection into the spot image can be collected by the image sensor .

  15. 一种单次超快成像的新方法

    A new method for ultrafast imaging in a single shot

  16. 其次,对于某些虹膜成像装置,同一个虹膜不同次成像的虹膜纹理可能会发生偏移,这种偏移有可能导致虹膜特征编码的偏移,从而直接影响虹膜的特征匹配结果。

    This shifting may lead to the iris feature encoding offset , and thus affect the characteristics of the iris matching results directly .

  17. 但在实际应用中,由于仅发射一次超声波束来成像,回波信号较弱,易受噪声干扰,使成像质量降低。

    But due to one transmission event the received signal is so weak that the quality of constructed image is easily affected by noise .

  18. 结果颈、胸、腰椎通过拼接同时在一张X线片上清晰显示,达到了颈胸腰段一次成像片的效果。

    Results cervical thoracic and thoracic lumbar segments can present on only one X-ray film , the impact is as good as one film .

  19. 然后以一次反射波地表接收点作为准震源,对准一次波进行偏移成像。

    Then , by taking the surface receiving points as pseudo source , the pseudo-primary is imaged as primary migration .