
  1. 每个房间都配备了一把壶、袋茶和袋装速溶咖啡。

    Each bedroom have a kettle , tea bag and packet of instant coffee .

  2. 桌上放着一把壶,两只杯,托盘上码着四个大馍馍。

    On the table were a teapot , two cups , and a platter with four huge steamed buns on it .

  3. 我的所有旅行不过是绕着一把咖啡壶找把手。

    About all the travelin'I ever done is around a coffee pot , looking for the handle .

  4. 他跳起来,取下一把铁壶,从一个10加仑的饮水机往壶里加满水,然后把壶放在一个电热炉上。

    He jumped to his feet , grabbed a metal pot , filled it with water from a10-gallon dispenser and set the pot on a hot plate .

  5. 反璞归真的一把素壶足以领略乾坤风云,气定神闲的一杯清茶足以让人忘世。七碗生风,一杯浓交。

    Return to Innocence in a prime pot enough to appreciate heaven and earth situation , they dress in enough to make one forget the world cup of tea . 7 bowls of wind , a cup of thick cross .

  6. 青年人应该掌握一门体面的手艺。你能制作什么吗?能制做一张简单的桌子、一把椅子、一个普通的盘子、一条毯子或者一把咖啡壶吗?

    It is not proper for a young man to be ) of an honourable ) . Is there anything you can make ? Can you make a simple table , a chair , a plain dish , a rug , a coffee pot ? If there anything you can do ?