
Bush says he intends to deal with North Korea through group talks rather than one-on-one negotiations .
When e-commerce becomes more and more complex , one-to-one negotiation is not accordant with the current business demands , and one-to-many negotiation comes into being .
The last Obama-Romney battle takes place amid reports that the Obama administration may soon enter into one-on-one talks with Iran , seeking to dissuade it from pursuing the means to make nuclear weapons .
He says Beijing also does not want to be isolated from any one-on-one diplomatic arrangement between North Korea and the United States . So , China sent its envoy , says Hong , to remind Kim Jong Il how crucial it is to the North 's economic fate .
The withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership so that we can negotiate one-on-one deals that protect Americans workers .
President Obama 's administration has expressed willingness to talk to North Korea one-on-one , but only in a context that is directly connected to the six-party talks .
The one-to-one coordinative negotiation models were established and the one-to-many auction theoretical model for coordination using a game-theoretical approach was also proposed .
Selecting the third party logistics outsourcing provider through " one to one " negotiation mechanism is a major way for logistics outsourcing .