
  • 网络Group negotiates
  1. 本研究没有发现动机水平、交流媒介对谈判达成的协议类型、小组和个人谈判的收益有所影响;

    Social motivation and communication media showed no effect on the quality and group or individual profits of the negotiation .

  2. 在1999年第五十二届世界卫生大会期间,会员国通过了WHA52.18号决议,成立了世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约工作小组和政府间谈判机构。

    During the52nd World Health Assembly in May1999 , Member States adopted resolution WHA52.18 , which established both a WHO FCTC Working Group and an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body .

  3. 每周课前老师都会发相关资料给我们,让我们准备,然后上课时再进行小组与小组间的谈判活动。

    Before class , the teacher will hand some relevant materials to us and require us to prepare well for the course . Then we will have a negotiation activities among groups in class .