
  • 网络it happened one night;One night stand
  1. 哦,他就是那种一夜风流的人物。

    Oh , he always was the love'em and leave'em type .

  2. 而让人惊讶的是,没能多多一夜风流在遗憾榜单上竟名列第43位,比没给慈善机构多捐点钱还高一位。

    Shockingly , not having enough one-night stands was the 43rd biggest regret , above not giving more to charity at 44th .

  3. 你可以使用“在周五之夜一夜风流”相同的方法,用以在工作环境中得到更棒的理解。

    You can apply the same methods you would use to " score on a Friday night " to create greater understanding in the workplace .

  4. 菲尔,老兄,接到这样的邀请就应该赶紧上啊,就算只是一夜风流也好。

    Phil , buddy , you get an offer like that , you got to jump on it , even if it 's just a onetime thing .

  5. 盖博曾凭《一夜风流》获奥斯卡最佳男主角,61年后,大导斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格买下盖博的奖杯并赠给了美国电影学会。

    The Best Actor in a Leading Role Oscar he won for It Happened One Night was purchased by Steven Spielberg sixty two years later and donated to the Motion Picture Academy .

  6. 研究发现,相较于那些考虑发展长期关系的男性,期待一夜风流的男性更可能去关注描绘女性身材的图片。

    Men who , for the purposes of the study , were considering just a fling with a woman were more likely to peek at a picture of her body than men who were thinking about a long-term relationship , the research found .

  7. 30年代期间,盖博的名声开始紧逼秀兰·邓波儿,在一系列电影中有着精彩的表现:《一夜风流》(1934年)《乱世佳人》(1939年)《叛舰喋血记》(1935年)《乱点鸳鸯谱》(1961年)。

    In the 1930s , his popularity was second only to Shirley Temple . He starred in such memorable movies as It Happened One Night ( 1934 ) , Gone with the Wind ( 1939 ) , Mutiny on the Bounty ( 1935 ) and The Misfits ( 1961 ) .