
  1. 曾任卢旺达财政部长的卡贝鲁卡认为,非开行在架设跨越鸿沟的桥梁方面具有重要作用。

    Mr Kaberuka , a former finance minister in Rwanda , sees the bank as having an important role to play bridging the Gulf .

  2. 正如人们所言,“你不可能两步就跨越鸿沟。”实现梦想需要勇气和付出。

    As they say ," you can 't cross a chasm in two small leaps . " it takes courage and commitment to live your dreams .

  3. 生物资讯藉由提供工具和科技跨越鸿沟搭起分子生物学与临床医学的桥梁,正迈向临床基因的新领域。

    Bioinformatics is advancing the new field of Clinical Genomics by providing the tools and the technologies used to bridge the gap between molecular biology and clinical medicine .

  4. 可是他跨越鸿沟的雄心却比鸿沟的加定增长得更快。新加坡电子政务建设与消弭数字鸿沟

    But faster than it widened , towered his ambition to win across it . An Introduction to the E-G Construction of Singapore and the Extinguishment of Digital Divide

  5. 由于它过分固守胶片摄影,因此,柯达从未真正(借用另一个商业战略流行术语)“跨越鸿沟”,无法抓住新兴数码摄影领域的发展潮流。

    Addicted to film photography , they never really could ( to borrow a phrase from another brief strategic fashion ) " cross the chasm " and drive the growing new digital photography field .

  6. 它们希望,通过提供不同的商业模式、创造并发展可持续性的商业理念,可以改进社会,并在企业、政府、以及慈善之间搭建一座跨越鸿沟的桥梁。

    They hope that by taking alternative approaches to business and creating and developing sustainable business ideas they can change society for the better and bridge the gap between business , government and charity .

  7. 基于支持向量机(SVM)的相关反馈机制被认为是一种可以有效跨越该鸿沟的策略,但这种方法没有利用未标记样本的隐含信息。

    The relevance feedback based on support vector machine ( SVM ) is regarded as one of the strategies that can solve this problem effectively . However , the information embedded in unlabeled samples is not exploited in that method .

  8. 跨越差距鸿沟:贫富分化与农民工城市化问题探析

    Bridging Income Gap : A Research on Polarization and Migrant Labor 's Urbanization

  9. 跨越数字鸿沟之思考

    Considerations about Leaping over the Digital Gap

  10. 那么,你如何用一个还在成长中的技术来“跨越开发鸿沟”?

    So how do you " cross the chasm " with an experimental technology like Node ?

  11. 跨越数字鸿沟,培养学生的新读写能力&信息时代发展中国家的基础教育改革

    Eliminating Digital Divide , Training New Literacy of Students-The Basics Education Reform of Developing Countries in Information Times

  12. 以较低成本,跨越数字鸿沟&成本筹划在数字化网络改造中的应用

    With Lower Cost to Overcome Digital Gaps & Application of Cost Planning for the Reformation of Digitized Network

  13. 跨越数字鸿沟&写于第34届世界电信日之际

    Crossing the Digital Divide

  14. 早期的“面具”系列绘画仅仅关注受抑制的焦虑感,或者是因无法跨越人际鸿沟而倍受折磨的人们。

    The earliest Mask paintings were portraits of barely contained angst , of tortured individuals incapable of overcoming the gulfs between themselves and others .

  15. 信息素养是跨越信息鸿沟的关键&网络环境下图书馆与读者关系初探

    Information Literacy : The Key for Crossing over Information Gulf & Probe into the Relationship between the Library and the Readers under the Network Environment

  16. 第六章阐述国际社会应对数字鸿沟的解决方案,提出中国跨越数字鸿沟的基本思路和具体对策。

    In chapter six , the thesis compares the solutions on resolving digital divide in international society and brings forward Chinese basic trains of thoughts and idiographic countermeasures .

  17. 在现代科学技术快速发展的今天,人类跨越天堑鸿沟的能力已经大大超越了从前。

    With the rapid development of modern science and technology today , human ' scapabilities to across the natural moat and deep chase have far exceeded the former .

  18. 尽管两家公司如此不同,詹纯新和费拉里都坚定认为,他们有着同样的商业理念,而这些理念能够帮助他们构筑跨越语言鸿沟的桥梁。

    In spite of the companies ' differences , Mr Zhan and Mr Ferrari insist they have similar business philosophies and that these help bridge the linguistic divide .

  19. 古铁雷斯认为,海外运营的最大挑战是“跨越文化鸿沟”,但这在建设强大公司文化时也会成为一项巨大的优势。

    According to Gutierrez , one of the greatest challenges of operating overseas bridging the cultural gap can also be a great advantage in building a strong company culture .

  20. 第四,文化是翻译实践中最难跨越的鸿沟,保留适当的文化距离还是一味地追求文化趋同是摆在译者面前的难题。

    Fourthly , culture poses the biggest obstacle in translation practice , so the translator is confronted with the dilemma between preserving appropriate cultural distance and just pursuing non-distance .

  21. 而跨越数字鸿沟需要政府、学校、企业和社会各阶层参与,同时也需要加强国际间的交流与合作。

    Leaping over the " digital gap " needs the participation of the government , schools , enterprises and all social circles , and also needs strengthening the international exchange and cooperation .

  22. 最后,从实施普遍服务、加大教育科研投入、推行政策倾斜、提高信息意识和获取能力四个方面探讨我国政府如何应对数字鸿沟及跨越数字鸿沟的思路和对策。

    Finally , it makes suggestions regarding our government on how to deal with the digital divide and bridging the digital divide from the following four aspects : implementing universal service , increasing invests on education and scientific research , implementing areas preferential policies , raising ICT awareness .

  23. 难以跨越的数字鸿沟&发展中国家的因特网

    The digital gap difficult to surmount - - Internet in developing countries

  24. 真正的友谊可以跨越时间的鸿沟。

    True friendship can bridge the gap that time brings .

  25. 开创大健康时代、跨越健康数字鸿沟

    To Inaugurating the Age of Big Health and Crossing the Divide of Digital Health

  26. 他们未能跨越这道鸿沟。

    They failed to bridge the chasm .

  27. 跨越城乡数字鸿沟促进农业信息化建设

    Spanning the Digital Gap between the Urban and Rural Areas and Promoting the Construction of Agriculture Informatization

  28. 对迈耶的任命则是又一次跨越这一鸿沟的企图,因为她来自谷歌。

    Ms Mayer 's appointment was another attempt to cross the chasm , since she came from Google .

  29. 小说通过译者的译介,破除接受的壁垒、跨越文化的鸿沟,成为中国文学的一部分。

    This novel got rid of barriers to acceptance by translation , crossed cultural gap and become a part of Chinese literature .

  30. 有一个方法能跨越这一鸿沟,使索尔复活,但是我要等到最神奇的时刻才尝试。

    There was one way to bridge the chasm , to bring Sol back to life , but I would wait to try it until the most magical of moments .