- 名computer simulation

Study on Precision of Man-Machine Engineering CAD System and Confidence of Computer Simulation
Computer Simulation of Sliding and Distance-increasing Trajectory Based on Matlab
CAD system for tube drawing based on FEM simulations of drawing processes
Hilbert Spectrum Analysis Method and Computer Simulation Realization
Furthermore , the speed control of VVVF hydraulic elevator is studied using PID control law and numerical simulations are carried out with the Simulink of Matlab .
The computer synthesis simulation of the two degrees of freedom setback mechanism of a fuze is made by using a working model simulating software . Therefore , the design of the mechanism is optimized .
The computer simulation results are presented , which illustrates the validation of the new approach and the feasibility of high-elevation angle , double-side looking SAR satellite concept .
The design principle of the variable parameters controller is introduced . An optimal index of the control system with variable parameters PID controller is presented using H ∝ control theory .
Finally , a planar 3R flexible redundant manipulator is utilized as an illustration example .
Computer simulation results and comparisons with conjugate cyclic ESPRIT are presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithm .
Computer Simulation of Antenna Pointing Autotracking System of TDRSS
We select the nearest neighbor classifier as our classifier for the recognition of aeroplane pattern .
MATLAB has a strong function in engineering calculation , data analysis and computer simulation and so on , It can be used as a supplementary teaching means for the remote teaching of course .
Chapter V studied differential OFDM systems , it simulated the OFDM multi-carrier communication system with the AWGN channel and multi-path characteristics by computer .
Theory analysis and simulation study of vehicle air suspension system was made . The dynamic model and control system model were founded for the suspension based on ADAMS software .
This paper introduces computer simulation of simulated monostatic multi sensor system based on Dempster Shafer evidence inference and fusion decision algorithm .
As an example , a procedure for mo-deling the PWM push-pull converter is presented . Dynamic large signal , dc and small-signal circuit mo-dels of PWM push-pull converter are derived . It satisfies the simulated models .
Computer Simulation and Delay Analysis of BEB Algorithm
Based on BP algorithm of multilayer forward neural networks , some worse influences on BP network 's training are found by simulating the neural network when the training data with noise disturbance are employed in the course of network training .
Computer Simulation of Programmable MOSFET-C Network
In order to prove the design method , a specified array based on the Kaiser window function are designed , and its radiation pattern are computed .
This paper describes perfecting and application for the development environment of DCS ( Distributed Control System ) training simulator and mathematical model . The environment has been successfully applied to develop the training simulator of Butene rubber Process .
Based on computer simulation technology , the loudspeaker system is simulated and analyzed in time domain with MATLAB and EWB software . A series of step function responce and impedance curve of loudspeaker are introduced .
This paper mainly introduces a project of PD radar velocity tracking . The working status of certain PD radar when it encountered the jamming of velocity deception is analyzed and studied by computer simulation technology based on MATLAB / SIMULINK .
The radar cross-section ( RCS ) of a coated circular waveguide terminated by a PEC is calculated and compared with the RCS of a metallic circular waveguide with closed termination . The results obtained are satisfactory .
In this paper , methods of sorting of radar pulses based on PRI ar e discussed . The histogram statistics algorithms and PRI transfer algorithm are analyzed and simulated .
Theoretical analyses and computer simulation shows this method performs better in resolution and precision of estimation of sinusoidal frequencies in strong background noise than MUSIC method and ARMA method that use only SVD-TLS .
This paper presents a system measuring sweep nonlinearity and power undulation of LFMCW assembly automatically and describes the measuring principle in detail .
It also realized the simulation of external interfaces such as serial port with on-board equipment simulation subsystem , simulated Ethernet with train operation simulation subsystem , interlocking subsystem , CTC extension and RBCs in neighborhood .
Three MIMO-OFDM transmitter signal designs are defined and well described in this dissertation , from the intention to the specific parameter configuration . The performances of the schemes are tested under different channel environments .