- 网络Stabilizing annealing

Strength of alloy decreased at elevated stabilizing annealing temperature . Annealed at 250 ℃, alloy has satisfied anti-exfoliation property , electrochemistry and impedance tests are accordance with exfoliation corrosion result .
Trace Sc is added to the Al-Mg alloy . The effects of various Mg and Sc contents and annealing temperature on the alloy 's texture and properties are investigated by metallographic examination , hardness measurement , end mechanical testing .
Process Test of Stabilization Annealing of Titanium Alloy
The elevation of the recrystallization temperature could mainly attributed to the Sc.6 . The recrystallization mechanism of Al-Mg and Al-Mg-Sc alloy include nucleation of grain boundary remotion and combination-grow up of subgrain .