
He 's visited Dalian many times .
She 's visited China many times .
DSP ( digital sigal processor ) features Single-cycle multiply and accumulate ( MAC ), mutilple-accesss memory architecture , a wide variety of on-chip peripherals , which leads trend in digital speech processing field .
Toray believed that carbon fibre could be used to make aircraft so its executives visited Boeing repeatedly in the 1970s to market the idea .
In fact , there are many clients to such a system in the real world & and even a single portlet can access the same backend system several times simultaneously .
None of our VUs ever tried hammering the same URL from the same session six or ten times a second so the load would spread across multiple app servers .
In order to overcome disadvantages of Apriori based algorithms that need to access database many times and produce a lot of candidate item-sets , a classification tree based algorithm is designed .
When node A many times visits to the node B , the node B is the interest node of the node A. So we should set up the direct routing path . In the next visiting , the node A visits to the node B by the interest rules .
Connor Brucker on one of his many visits with Dusty .
Clinton has traveled to Haiti several times , most recently last March .
Dvorak made a number of visits to England .
Biden himself has traveled widely , including making numerous trips to Iraq .
The referral information from the original visit was retained , so some clicks resulted in multiple visits .
I 've visited many parts of China numerous times . I 've seen very poor and extremely expensive areas .
Whenever I visited China , a country of friendship , I would take some time to stop in Shanghai .
A goal conversion can only happen once during a visit , but ane-commerce transaction can occur multiple times during a visit .
I have been visiting China over the last five years , normally making two visits a year to see Chinese companies .
Hi , I 'm a businessman from the UK visiting China several times a year , mainly in the Guangzhou area .
The same role in the system records visits will be checked and set the maximum permissible set as this role . 3 .
He 's made numerous visits to D.C.over the years as Google gradually usurped Microsoft as Washington 's antitrust scrutiny target of choice .
ICBC executives have visited Buenos Aires over the past couple of years , but their interest appears only to have been very preliminary .
This is a question I thought about during my recent three-month stay in New York and visits to Washington , DC , now capital of global finance .
The sense I have taken away from successive visits to China in recent years is that policymakers there feel this uncertainty much more acutely than their western cheerleaders .
And after exchanging a paper or two & as many visits in person or by proxy , he left the question about as open as it was before .
I have been to the United States many times and I have visited American families , and I have always been touched by the sincere hospitality of the American people .
Though she spent much of her life in India , Singapore and Malaya ( present-day Malaysia ), Dr. Comber visited China frequently and was close to the country 's political elites .
Our friendship started when I was the spanish ambassador in moscow at the end of the 1970s . during my 21 years as IOC president , I visited china more than 20 times .
With the rapid development of information technology and Web technology , data are no longer static data stored in the media which can be visited several times , but the flow-type data called data stream .
Once more iterate over the attributes and output accessor methods
I first visited China in 1995 , and I have been privileged to return since then .