
  • 网络dordogne;Dordogne River;River Dordogne
  1. 这架直升机上还有葡萄园的前庄主JamesGregoire,LamKok的11岁儿子Charles,以及LamKok的一位代表PengWang,这架直升机坠入了多尔多涅河

    The helicopter , which was also carrying the vineyard 's previous owner , James Gregoire , Kok 's 11-year-old son Charles , and a representative of Lam Kok , Peng Wang , crashed into the Dordogne River .

  2. 他乘坐的直升飞机在多尔多涅河坠毁。

    The helicopter crashed in the Dordogne River .

  3. 这个葡萄酒产区位于多尔多涅河和加伦河的河岸以及它们共同的形成的吉伦特湾河口一带。

    The wine region follows the banks of the rivers Dordogne and Garonne and their common mouth the Gironde .

  4. 波尔山坡位于多尔多涅河的右岸,正好在纪隆德河的交汇处。

    C ? tes de Bourg is located on the right bank of the Dordogne at the point where it meets the Gironde river .

  5. 两河区域并不是在两个大洋之间,而事实上是在两条河流之间:多尔多涅河和卡龙河。

    Regional Evapotranspiration Estimation in Hekou-Longmen Section of the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River Entre Deux Mers is not exactly between two seas but actually between two rivers : Dordogne and Garonne .