
  • 网络Guiling paste;Tortoise jelly;Guiling Jelly
  1. 作为传统的中国医药,龟苓膏总是因其普遍的滋补功效而受到推崇。

    As a traditional Chinese medicine , tortoise jelly has always been revered for its universal tonic effects .

  2. 因此龟苓膏在国内外都很受欢迎。

    Therefore , it is well-received at home and abroad .

  3. 龟苓膏主要以鹰嘴龟和土伏苓为主要原料。

    The paste mainly olecranon turtle and V Ling , the main raw material of soil .

  4. 龟苓膏主要是由很少见的大龟壳磨成的粉和土茯苓制作而成。

    It is mainly made from the powdered shell of rare big-headed turtles and China roots .

  5. 龟苓膏有清热解毒、拔毒生肌、滋阴补肾、保健养颜功效。

    There does wonders for removing heat from Sida Muscle , Kidney Yin , health beauty effect .

  6. 龟苓膏是历史悠久的梧州传统药膳,相传最初是清宫中专供皇帝食用的名贵药物。

    The paste is a long history of traditional herbs in Wuzhou , legend for the first Qing emperor to eat expensive secondary drugs .

  7. 梧州人真正心仪的龟苓膏,不是易拉罐装那种,而是街边的龟苓膏店。

    The paste Wuzhou people really admire , not the kind of pop installed , but it does wonders for the street 's shops .

  8. 现代营养学研究发现,龟苓膏中含有多种活性多糖和氨基酸,具有低热量、低脂肪、低胆固醇的特点,能够调节血脂和血糖。

    Modern Nutrition study found that it does wonders for a variety of polysaccharide and contains amino acids , with low-calorie , low fat , low cholesterol , and can regulate blood fat and blood sugar .

  9. 不过梧州气候湿热多雾是真,龟苓膏是梧州的民间传统药膳是真,梧州是龟苓膏的原产地当不会假。

    However , hot and humid and foggy weather in Wuzhou is true , it does wonders for a Wuzhou Diet is true folk tradition , Wuzhou is when it does wonders for the country of origin will not leave .