
lóng de chuán rén
  • descendants of the dragon
龙的传人[lóng de chuán rén]
  1. 因而,“龙的传人”、“龙的国度”也获得了世界的认同。

    Thus ," descendants of the dragon "," the dragon " also gained world recognition .

  2. 在新专辑这么多首歌曲中,最令我感到骄傲的是《龙的传人》。

    Of all the songs on this new album , I am most proud of Descendants of the Dragon .

  3. 注意看威廉老先生的衣服,他确实是龙的传人

    Please notice william 's shirt , he is the dragoner indeed

  4. 中国人自豪地称自己是龙的传人。

    Chinese people are proud to call themselves " the offspring of the Loong " .

  5. 像很流行的《龙的传人》。

    Like the very pop song .

  6. 我喺龙的传人!

    I am dragon inheritor !

  7. 这灾难是非常让人痛心的,但是它却再次唤醒了龙的传人的精神!

    This event though a very sad one has again waken up the spirit of being a Chinese .

  8. 所以,当我听到有一个台湾乐团带讽刺意味地演绎《龙的传人》,我的反应是如何呢?

    So what happens when I hear news of a Taiwanese band 's satirical version of " Descendants of the Dragon "?

  9. 中华民族自古以来以龙的传人自称,崇拜龙的图腾,以龙为尊。

    The Chinese nation since ancient times to the descendants of the dragon itself , the dragon totem worship , for the dragon statue .

  10. 由于黄帝、炎帝在部落联盟时期的重要位置,其后人被称为“炎黄子孙”,他们也自称为“龙的传人”。

    Since Yandi and Huangdi played an important role in the tribal alliance period , the later generations were known as the descendants of them .

  11. 在我国古代,皇帝是真龙天子,我们中国人是龙的传人。

    In ancient times of China , the emperor is the true dragon and Son of Heaven and the Chinese people are descendants of Dragon .

  12. 当晚最后一首歌&《龙的传人》,无疑是最棒的。如果在公司外培训最好在晚上。

    The last song of the evening , Offspring of the Dragons , was the best song of the evening . With offsite training workers trained in evening .

  13. 作者以传承和发展为主线展开构思,短片的开端将中国各个省市名称的文字进行组合拼接成一条长龙的形象,代表了我们是龙的传人。

    At the beginning of the film , the characters of the provinces'name are combined together into a long line of dragon image , on behalf of we are descendants of the dragon .

  14. 2000年王力宏第一次展示了他的民族自豪感,他用一种全新的节奏诠释了一首中国的传统歌曲《龙的传人》。这是表达对中华民族的庄严敬意。

    In one of his first displays of ethnic pride , in2000 , Wang gave an up-tempo interpretation of the classic folk song of " Lineage of the Dragon ," a solemn homage to the Chinese race .

  15. 我们拥有一个共同的根,我们都是龙的传人。今天我们又聚在一起,共同学习中华文化,共同探讨自然与世界。

    You and we share the same root and we all are offspring of dragon today , we gather together , to learn and to share chinese culture , as well as we talk about the nature and the world .

  16. 龙,自古以来,就被传承为华夏图腾,象征着华夏子孙坚强的意志及顽强的生命力,故称华夏子孙为龙的传人。

    Long since ancient times , it was memory for China totem , a symbol of the Chinese nation , a strong will and indomitable vitality , China said it descendants of the children of the dragon .

  17. 龙,四灵之首,尊贵、吉祥的象征,几千年的发展赋予了其特殊的文化意义,我们被称为龙的传人,我们生长、繁衍的土地被称为龙的故乡。

    Dragon , four spirit , honor and auspicious symbol for thousands of years , the development of the Chinese cultural significance , the special called " descendants of the dragon ", our growth and reproduction of the land is called " dragon hometown " .