
  • 网络gingival margin
  1. 目的:为了缩短老年患者就诊时间及减少复诊次数,设计并比较应用3种复合树脂制作临时冠方法的时间长短及临时修复体对龈缘的影响,寻找适合老年患者的临时冠制作方法。

    Objective : In order to reduce the clinical operation time and seek an appropriate restorative method for aged people , three kinds of methods were compared with the s time spend on fabricating the provisional crown and its influence on the gingival margin .

  2. 修复后1个月、6个月、12个月两组的探诊深度、龈缘高度协调性、烤瓷冠边缘隐蔽性等均无显著性差异。

    Moreover , there was no significant difference of depth of probing , concordance of gingival margin , and concealment of ceramic crown margin between two groups at the end of the 1st , 6th , and 12th month after prosthesis .

  3. 不同修复时间的镍铬合金烤瓷冠龈缘状况差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。

    There was no significant difference of the gingival status of Ni-Cr alloy-porcelain crown of different time ( P0.05 ) .

  4. 结果:改良Bass刷牙法对于整个口腔,尤其是中央龈缘区的菌斑清除效果明显优于竖刷法(P<0.05)。

    Results : Modified Bass method has better effect of removing plaque , especially that at the central margin than Vertical method ( P < 0.05 ) .

  5. 目的:研究探龈缘出血法(BOMP法)的临床应用价值。

    AIM : To evaluate the value of bleeding on probing of the marginal gingival ( BOMP ) method in clinic .

  6. 固位体冠边缘位于龈缘上0.5~2mm为佳;目的:探讨对损坏至龈缘下1.5mm~3.0mm的前牙牙根作修复前的正畸牵引术和牙龈切除术,保存龈下残根的修复方法。

    Objective : To explore the restoration methods of the application of orthodontic traction , gingivectomy and conservation of subgingival residual roots before restoration in anterior teeth roots damaged below the gingival margin ( 1.5 mm ~)( 3.0 mm ) .

  7. 探龈缘出血法的临床应用评价

    Value of bleeding on probing marginal gingiva method in clinic

  8. 全瓷颈缘技术的应用对金属烤瓷全冠修复后龈缘的影响

    Effect of All-porcelain Labial Margin Technique on Gingival Margin in Porcelain-fused-to-metal Crowns

  9. 结论:雅皓乳膏局部应用对于青少年慢性龈缘炎有一定的疗效。

    Conclusion : Eugenol and borax cream is effective for treating chronic marginal gingivitis in adolescents .

  10. 附着体上少量牙石沉积,对照组58颗基牙中23颗有龈缘充血水肿。

    In control group , 23 of 58 abutments had congestion and edema in edge of gums .

  11. 方法:选择临床诊断为慢性龈缘炎的青少年患者48例,随机分为实验组(雅皓乳膏)和对照组(普通牙膏),每组各24例。

    Methods : 48 patients suffering from chronic marginal gingivitis were randomly divided into test group ( AHEAL ) and control group .

  12. 目的:观察雅皓乳膏对青少年慢性龈缘炎的临床疗效。

    Objective : To evaluate the clinical effect of eugenol and borax cream on the treatment of chronic marginal gingivitis in adolescents .

  13. 目的:对比3种不同龈缘肩台设计的烤瓷熔附金属全冠对老年患者基牙牙龈指数的影响。

    Objective : To compare the gingival index ( GI ) of the abutment teeth of porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns ( PFM ) with three different designs of configuration shoulder in the aged .

  14. 结论弹性义齿卡环设计时应尽量减少覆盖牙龈的面积,避免卡环边缘终止于龈缘处。

    Conclusion When designing a valplast denture , the covered area of gingiva by the clasp should be reduced . The margin of the clasp should be far from the margin of gingiva .

  15. 结论:镍铬合金烤瓷内冠不可避免会产生龈缘黑线,金合金烤瓷内冠避免了上述缺点,而镍铬合金内冠涂制金粉则是一条经济,实效的制作工艺。

    Conclusion : Marginal gingival black-line was inevitable caused by Ni-Cr alloy based ceramic crowns , gold layer can avoid such kind of disadvantage , porcelain fused to Ni-Cr alloy brushed gold layer crowns are economical and effective method .

  16. 目的:固定矫治器戴入前后的不同时间进行龈缘菌斑的微生物学检查和牙周状况的临床检查,以探讨固定矫治器戴入前后牙周可疑病原菌和牙周状况的动态变化过程。

    Objective : Through the examination of flora in gingival marginal plaque and periodontal status at different time intervals before and after fixed appliance bonding , in order to analysis the dynamic variation of suspected periodontal pathogens and clinical periodontal index .

  17. 结论:结果表明,只有保持正常的生物学宽度才能达到完美的效果和长久的疗效。配合牙冠延长术,可以获得良好的“生物学宽度”及和邻牙相协调的龈缘弧线。

    Conclusion : The nice effectiveness and the better curative effect depend on keeping biological width normal . And if combined with crown lengthening surgery , both esthetic gingival line coordinated with the adjacent teeth was achieved and biological width was reestablished .

  18. 适合性不良的修复体将导致菌斑聚集,进而发生继发龋、龈缘炎,严重影响牙体、牙周组织健康及修复体颈缘的美观效果。

    Unreliable marginal adaptation will result in accumulation of dental plaques , furthermore lead to secondary caries and marginal gingivitis . It will influence negatively not only the health of teeth and periodontal tissues , but also esthetic effects of gingival margins of restorations .

  19. 镍铬合金烤瓷冠在口腔中环境中存在腐蚀,形貌改变与修复时间无明显相关性,但腐蚀程度与修复体的冠边缘密合度有关,同时会影响到龈缘的状况。

    There was corrosion of Ni-Cr alloy-porcelain crown in the oral cavity , and no obvious relevance between the appearance change and the repair time , but the corrosion degree of the crown was correlation with the marginal discrepancy . And the corrosion degree would affect the gingival status .

  20. 经过1~2天的前驱期,口腔粘膜出现广泛充血水肿,附着龈及龈缘也有明显的急性炎症损害。

    Through the prodromal stage of1 ~ 2 day , oral cavity mucous membrane appears extensive hyperaemia oedema , adherent gum and gum predestined relationship also have apparent acute inflammation to damage .