
  1. 落霞与孤鹜齐飞。

    Rosy evening clouds and lone ducks fly together . ; Sunset clouds float with the lone wild ducks .

  2. 群鸟齐飞,蔚为壮观。欧椋鸟在冬天南迁到非洲,晚上在罗马市中心筑巢取暖,排成编队飞行以躲避捕食者。

    A synchronised spectacle of breathtaking beauty . The starlings migrate in winter , south to Africa , nesting at night in central Rome for warmth , flying in formation to avoid predators .

  3. 板式家具走向辉煌需依靠出口内需两翼齐飞

    The Prosperity of Panel Furniture Depends on Domestic Demand and Export

  4. 双心并举两翼齐飞&徐州城市区域空间布局的结构与形态研究

    The Structure and Morphology of Xuzhous Spatial Arrangements

  5. 我抬眼看看那比翼齐飞的风筝。

    I looked up at those twin kites .

  6. 就是这段战乱与放逐齐飞的年代,罗宾汉的传奇诞生了。

    It was from the chaos and outlawry of this time that the legend of Robin Hood was probably born .

  7. 落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色。

    A lonely wild duck flies with the sunset clouds ; the autumn river mirrors the color of the sky .

  8. 呵,我的信仰,我锁链加身,身处这以白银黑擅为栅栏的牢笼,竟不能与你齐飞。

    O my faith , I am in chains behind these bars of silver and ebony , and I cannot fly with you .

  9. 扩大内需的方针在实践中不断总结完善,从单纯的加大投资,到投资和消费双翼齐飞;

    The policy of enlarging domestic demand is perfected in practice constantly . From simply increasing investment to both increasing investment and consumption .

  10. 文人小说和平民小说共同打造了清代嘉道时期章回小说两翼齐飞的创作格局。

    The Zhang Hui novel 's creation pattern was composed of the literary novel and the common people novel in the Jia Dao period of the Qing Dynasty .

  11. 客场:双翼齐飞:打开通道和把球远离开那些能够阻截球的位置。堵截、封锁、阻止接达〔网址〕

    Away : Down Both Flanks : Exploits the channels and keeps the ball away from positions from which interceptions will be costly . block access [ web site ]

  12. 但一如既往,在野火与巨龙齐飞的史诗级场景中,还有些普通观众可能错过的小小细节与指涉。

    But - as usual - among the epic scenes of dragons and wildfire there were small details and references that the average viewer may have missed . 1 .

  13. 范伯群先生说过,纯文学和通俗文学是文学的两翼,文学史应该是双翼齐飞的文学史。

    FAN Bo-qun has said : " The new literature and the popular literature are the two wings of the literature ", " The literature history should be that of the two wings flying " .

  14. 奈德上一次见到国王,是在九年前的巴隆·葛雷乔伊之乱。那时维鹿与冰原狼的旗帜齐飞,两家军队合力绥靖那自立为王的铁群岛领主。

    Ned had last seen the king nine years before during Balon Greyjoy 's rebellion , when the stag and the direwolf had joined to end the pretensions of the self-proclaimed King of the Iron Islands .

  15. 空港国际物流区发展的模式是自由区运行模式、空港和海港齐飞的空间模式与首都国际机场联盟发展的货客分流模式。

    Free zone model , spatial model linking the airport and seaport , the alliance strategy between Tianjin airport and Capital Int ' airport are the best ways for the development of logistic area and the airport .

  16. 第六章提出了长江科学院发展战略及管理模式,实行一业为主,两翼齐飞,事企分离,企业重组的方式,提高核心竞争力。

    Part VI proposes the development strategies and management modes of the Institute , carrying out the approach of developing together with one as the main , separation of institution and enterprise and reorganization of enterprises to improve the core competition capacity ;

  17. 而夜夜就在简单的星子下每当我轻骑入梦猫头鹰就把农庄背负他去,整个有月亮的晚上我听到夜莺在畜舍和畜舍之间福气地与乾田草墩齐飞,而马匹快闪进入一片黑。

    And nightly under the simple stars As I rode to sleep the owls were bearing the farm away All the moon long I heard , blessed among stables , the nightjars Flying with the ricks , and the horses Flashing into the dark .