
  • 网络ZETA;Zita
  1. 我印象中的拇指很短,而这个齐塔人拇指很长。

    I recall the thumb as being quite short , and this Zeta has a long thumb .

  2. 无论揭露出来的事情证明了齐塔人的预测是多么地准确,南茜也不能再到“海岸之间”节目里做客了。

    Nancy no longer gets on Coast to Coast , regardless of what unfolds proving the accuracy of the Zeta predictions .

  3. 齐塔自己就不守传统,在一只耳垂上穿了一根别针。

    Zita was herself unconventional , keeping a safety-pin stuck through her ear lobe .

  4. 齐塔人是从猎户座而来,DNA来自爬虫族吗

    Being from Orion do Zetas contain DNA from the Reptilian race ?

  5. 齐塔人经常被问及X星能够被目击到的精确位置,但这很复杂!

    The Zetas are frequently asked to pinpoint the spot where Planet X could be sighted , but it is a complicated picture !

  6. 如果有什么进展的话,齐塔人可以评论下吗?

    Any comments from the Zetas , if there is a progression ?

  7. 然而,我们齐塔人是不会对此进行评论的。

    However , we , the Zetas , are not commenting upon that .

  8. 齐塔人已经说过联系会依靠呼叫的方式进行。

    The Zetas have told that contacts occur by means of the Call .

  9. 齐塔人能否说服某人的灵魂或者用催眠术使他这么做?

    Can zetas convince someone 's soul or hypnotize him to do it ?

  10. 再说,我只读了几个月齐塔人之声的内容,而不是几年。

    Then again , I have only been reading ZT for months , not years .

  11. 换句话说,人类怎样帮助齐塔人和混血人种呢?

    In other words , how would the human help the Zetas and the Hybrids ?

  12. 齐塔人确认了这是黑暗双星,并且解释了这种紫罗兰色!

    The Zetas confirm this to be the Dark Twin , and explain the violet color !

  13. 按齐塔人的说法,孪星的大小和地球相仿。

    Per the Zetas , the Dark Twin is approximately the same size as the Earth .

  14. 根据齐塔人的说法,霍皮印第安人同样知晓蓝色星星克奇纳。

    Per the Zetas , the Hopi Indians also know it as the Blue Star Kachina .

  15. 根据齐塔人的说法,输气管道是一个很大的威胁,不要忽视。

    Per the Zetas , gas lines are a very real danger , not to be ignored .

  16. 阿谁标题成绩正在每周与齐塔冉材谈天问问中被提出,并确认。

    This issue was raised on the weekly Q & A chat with the Zetas , and confirmed .

  17. 在夜间“为他人服务”的齐塔人的飞船有明显的光线色彩,并可以被看见吗?

    Is there an obvious color of light that can be seen at night by the Zetas STO ?

  18. 齐塔人对“迷惑”这种可能的现象有什么要说的吗?

    What can the Zetas say about such possible phenomena as bedeviling ( putting the evil eye on somebody )?

  19. 齐塔人说,他们在火星的一个卫星上采矿,在月球上拥有基地。

    The Zetas say that they mine a moon of Mars and had bases on the moon of Earth .

  20. 是否就像宣传的那样,这只是个测试?据齐塔人所言,还有内情。

    Was this as claimed , just a test ? Per the Zetas , there 's more to it .

  21. 齐塔人解释了这种情况怎样与当前的地球运动相联系,特别在延伸带内。

    The Zetas explain how this is related to the current Earth movements , especially in the stretch zone .

  22. 为什么巽他板块上只有齐塔人预测下沉的这些地区正在加速?

    Why only these regions on the Sunda Plate where the sinking predicted by the Zetas is picking up speed ?

  23. 齐塔人曾详细的介绍了欧洲海啸,以及它对爱尔兰和英国会造成怎样最糟糕的影响。

    The Zetas have detailed the European Tsunami and how it will affect in particular Ireland and the UK worst .

  24. 齐塔人解释说这对于伊拉克而言是个问题,但对于世界其他地方来说则并非如此。

    The Zetas explain that this will be a problem for Iraq , but not for the rest of the world .

  25. 自齐塔人之声开始之际,有人已经以一种或另一种形式问过了这样的问题。

    We have been asked this question , in one form or another , since the beginning of the ZetaTalk sage .

  26. 按照齐塔人的说法,孪星和地球共轨,但通常躲在太阳的后边。

    The Dark Twin , per the Zetas , shares the Earth 's orbit but is normally hidden behind the Sun .

  27. 齐塔人预期地球会发生摆动,并预测说飓风会出现在非典型的地区,即暗示了大西洋南部。

    Anticipating the Earth wobble , the Zetas predicted that hurricanes would occur in atypical places , hinting at the South Atlantic .

  28. 齐塔人曾经警告过,就算以前没有问题,极移的时候道路也可能变得无法通行。

    The Zetas have warned that roads will likely be impassable by the time of the pole shift , if not before .

  29. 齐塔人之声已经表明过了,即使在进入到极移动前的几个钟头,强制实施戒严令也是不会得逞的。

    ZetaTalk has stated that Martial Law , even if imposed in the hours leading up to the pole shift , will not succeed .

  30. 根据齐塔人的说法,巽他板块可以被当作是亚欧板块的延长,但是舌部地带有一个明显的界线。

    Per the Zetas , the Sunda Plate operates as an extension of the Eurasian Plate , but the tongue has a distinct border .