- 形uniform;equal;homogeneous
(1) [uniform]∶整齐一致
(2) [unite]∶统一
So the ethic order of the polis is not a uniform one of whole nationalism , but a cooperative one based on free and equal citizens with the ethic entity as its core .
If you children closed up a bit there would be room for another on this seat .
The monetary unit 's purchasing power never changes evenly with regard to all things vendible and purchasable .
To complete your ensemble , make a left at the top of the street 's incline and pass through Kamenita Vrata , the last medieval " stone gate " remaining from the fortifications that once surrounded Gradec .
The crown of spiritual life is the vision of unity .
The paper argues that uniformity of nature is a transcendental regulation principle and transcendental necessity .
The study of the history of science and technology has transcended the one model tradition and approached to diversification .
Using their registry is the simplest way to get them something they need and like , and to help them complete matching sets like dishes or silverware .
Then , the " Tao " was blended into the religious elements of discipline , guidance , fate and faith . It is no longer a wonderful realm of agreeable happiness .
Therefore , Kant shows that uniformity of nature , as a premise of causal reasoning , is a transcendental principle , and it is a necessary truth for any possible experiences .
The paper observes Wang Xiao ni 's poetry from three aspects : the personality characteristic of subject " I "( poet ), and her mental state of unifying all creations on the earth ;
The philosophical basis of this aloofness is reiativism , that is , in his own words , " The universe and I came into being together ; I and everything therein are One . "
Judging by the essential characteristics of culture and art activities , they strongly reproached the alienated phenomenon of culture and art in the developed societies , criticized it for its being indifferent , commodity-like , ideologically functional .
Including " Imitation of Nature " natural harmony of the United States , " no action " of the social and ecological harmony of the United States , " Everything as one thing " symbiotic harmony and equality , the United States .
Science and technology overwhelm in modern daily life , because on the one hand , the abundant material commodity on which we rely in our life is supplied by them ; on the other hand , they oppress us all cruelly by its " unity " .
Heidegger reflected on the technological problems from a unique perspective of existence theory , and concluded that the essence of technology was framework ( gestsll ), that nature and human became integrated and functional material , and that technical person , the human aberrance , resulted in existent abandon .