- affine cudweed

The physical and chemical identification : thin-layer chromatograpy showed that the five kinds of affine cudweed contains quercetin .
Component Analysis of Essential Oil From Centipeda minima of Fujian Province by GC-MS Determination of chemical constituents of Gnaphalium affine D.Don
[ Conclusion ] The antitussive and expectorant effect of cudweed was obvious .
Experimental Study on Antitussive and Expectorant Effects of Cudweed
Determination of Six Trace Elements in Gnaphalium affine by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry after Diluted by Microwave
On five kinds of herbs from the original plant identification and character identification found significant differences between five kinds of cudweed . 2 .
" Cudweed : any of various woolly plants of the genus Gnaphalium in the composite family , having small whitish or yellowish flower heads . "
[ Results ] The aqueous extract of cudweed significantly prolonged the tussive delitescence of mice , decreased the tussive times of guinea pigs and increased the secretion of mouse ' trachea induced by phenol red .
Microscopic identification : The obvious difference existed microscopic characteristic of five kinds of herbs in the transverse section of the stem , the stem epidermis , leaf surface of upper and lower epidermis , leaf cross section .