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mǐn miǎn
  • work hard;try hard
黾勉 [mǐn miǎn]
  • (1) [work hard] 勉力;努力

  • 黾勉同心。--《诗.邶风.谷风》

  • 伏乞黾勉,并候捷音。--清. 黄世仲《洪秀全演义》

  • (2) 另见 měng

黾勉[mǐn miǎn]
  1. 差池不相见,黾勉空仰止。

    Most do not meet the income of Mian empty trophy .

  2. 如果凶手捉到了,自然是由于他们两个人的黾勉从公;

    If the man is caught , it will be on account of their exertions ;

  3. 因而以一种黾勉从事,赶紧去办的决心来着手进行,以便迅速了结这桩小事。

    and accordingly prepared to set about this business with a determined rushing sort of energy and vigor , that should quickly settle that trifling little affair .