
  • 网络Merck;MRK;Merck Sharp & Dohme;Merck Sharp&Dohme
  1. 周四,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)表示,他们正在调查可能存在于默沙东公司目前最畅销的药品“欣流”与自杀事件之间的一种联系。

    The Food and Drug Administration said Thursday it is investigating a possible link between Merck 's best-selling Singulair and suicide .

  2. 默沙东公司经理强调,FDA的调查只是基于一些报道,并没有临床研究做基础。而这也正是评估药品安全的标准。

    Merck officials stressed that the FDA 's inquiry is based on reports , not clinical studies & which are the standard tool for evaluating drug safety .

  3. 其核心内容是以跨国医药公司默沙东制药(MSD)为案例,总结默沙东在中国医药行业中,培育核心竞争力的途径和方法。

    This is the core of the pharmaceutical multinational pharmaceutical company Merck Sharp & Dohme ( MSD ) as a case , summarized in the Merck pharmaceutical industry in China , cultivating core competitiveness of ways and means .

  4. 这个合作项目由中国卫生部与美国著名制药公司默沙东共同发起的。

    China 's Ministry of Health and the multinational drug company Merck Sharp and Dohme will fund the programme .

  5. 默沙东生产组30例服复方依那普利片的剂量、服法、疗程均与国产组相同。

    The dosage , use and courses of treatment of MSD group were the same as those of domestic group .