
  • mime;pantomime;panto
  1. 阅读黑色幽默,肢体语言,默剧,无声电影的相关书籍。

    Read books about black humor , body language , pantomime and silent movie .

  2. 终于开始学习默剧了,很喜欢学习的感觉。

    I started the course of Pantomime . I love the feel of learning .

  3. 无声模式制作,用默剧手法介绍九型人格

    Enneagram in Miming . A Silence Theatre production .

  4. 无声模式制作,传统法国式默剧示范。

    Demonstration of French style mime . A Silence Theatre production .

  5. 默剧是透过身体的移动及定位,去重新创造这个世界。

    Mime is the art of re-creating the world by moving and positioning the human body .

  6. 你是在演默剧吗?

    Are you doing a mime ?

  7. 这是不是一个问题,如果文件被打开,也根据自己的默剧类型。

    This was not a problem if the file was also opened according to its MIME type .

  8. 没有爱情的婚姻会变成默剧,有了爱情的婚姻会变成闹剧。

    There is no love marriage will become mime , With love , marriage will become a farce .

  9. 不过球迷的欢迎令人惊讶地温暖,而嘘声最终到来时只是半心半意和像默剧一般的。

    The welcome was surprisingly warm and the boos , when they eventually came , half-hearted and pantomime .

  10. 警察如果逮捕默剧演员,会不会告诉他有权保持沉默?

    If the cops arrest a mime , do they tell him he has the right to remain silent ?

  11. 戴安娜,威尔斯王妃,具备了这一切:天生丽质,模特儿身段,王室身份及默剧明星般的神袐。

    Diana , Princess of Wales had everything : genetic perfection , model dimensions , royal connections and the mystique of a silent-movie star .