- 网络vinyl;Vinyl record;long play

Meanwhile , sales of vinyl records halved in 1992 to just 6.7m .
My dad had to buy CDs of all the albums he already owned on vinyl .
Before CDs came vinyl records . And before vinyl ?
The business 's owners waited anxiously for Dave Miller , the plant manager , to inspect the still-warm slab of vinyl .
Independent 's initial order list includes records by Vampire Weekend , Pavement , the XX and Mac DeMarco , all indie acts that are steady sellers on vinyl .
French composer Jean Michel Jarre and whistleblower Edward Snowden have collaborated on " Exit , " a track off the electronic music pioneer 's upcoming new LP Electronica 2 : The Heart of Noise .
In 1999 , I founded Listen . com , hopeful that the music industry would soon adopt the burgeoning Internet as a format , much as it had previously adopted CDs , cassettes , eight-track tapes and three different speeds of vinyl .
In Polychrome , a mishmash of bright plastic furniture , vinyl LPs and funky glassware hearkens back to the " 60s and " 70s .
Mr. Hansen and Darius Van Arman , a founder of Secretly Group , a consortium of small record companies that is a partner in Independent , said they believed their customers were often discovering new music through streaming and then collecting it on LPs .
We Buy and Sell Used Books , CDs , DVDs & Records .
Some vintage technologies - such as vinyl - have enjoyed a renaissance .
Audiophiles claimed that the only sound worth hearing was stored on vinyl albums .
For the music business over all , vinyl is still a niche product , if an increasingly substantial one .
Not only did this revolutionize the music industry , practically killing off the cassette and vinyl markets , but also the budding computer industry .
Mr. Schiller owns a Quotations LP that came with an exercise book , so that listeners could get a Party-endorsed workout while enjoying the music .
Most surprising is the youth of the market : According to MusicWatch , a consumer research group , some 54 percent of vinyl customers are 35 or younger .
The fact that much of the music is being sold online also means the profit margins for the rights owners should be much higher than in the vinyl age .
It is a highly stylized coffee house where they spin vinyl , decorate with Edison bulbs and old motorcycles , use blue bandannas as napkins and do not serve decaf .
But my vinyl LPs are still musical orphans in this digital world , so a readers ' question got me thinking about the options for digitising my analogue music collection .
One stallholder peddles Nazi memorabilia , but for the rest it 's simply jumble that might sell for a euro or two , no different from the boxes of picture postcards or scratched vinyl records .
Even with an uptick in vinyl sales among purists ( Nielsen tracked a vinyl sales increase of 51.8 percent ) , our music collections as tangible , tactile objects are well on their way out .
When asked about her latest LP , Gomez revealed , " It 's funny because I already feel like I 've been working on the new album so I 'm not in that headspace as much . "
Sales of cassettes in the UK could follow the path of vinyl record sales - which fell to a low of just over 205000 in 2007 , but have grown every year since and hit a 20-year high of 2.1million in 2015 .
Not only is vinyl on the upswing , but we 're even in the midst of a mini-renaissance of a formerly archaic music-storage medium : the cassette tape , which is newly in vogue among young underground punk purists and D.I.Y. record labels .
According to Nielsen , LPs now represent about 9 percent of sales in physical formats .
Like many people born at the tail end of the baby boom generation , I built up a sizeable vinyl record collection in my youth .
But for indies like Epitaph and Secretly , vinyl has become essential : Both now take in nearly as much revenue from LPs as they do from CDs .