
hēi sù kē lì
  • melanin granule
  1. 结果:2例患者的皮肤色素脱失处基底层均未见黑素颗粒,符合白癜风的病理改变;

    Results : There was no melanin granule in basal cell layer in depigmented skin of 2 cases , which coincided in the pathogenic change of vitiligo .

  2. 黑素颗粒阳性反应的黑素细胞为阳性细胞。

    The melanocytes that contained the melanin granules were named positive cells .

  3. 有报告某些中药对酪氨酸酶有激活作用,并可促进黑素细胞增殖及黑素颗粒生成。

    It is reported that some kinds of TCM ( traditional Chinese medicine ) can activate tyrosinase , and enhance proliferation of melanocytes and synthesis of melanin .

  4. 白斑表皮移植前无黑素小体,移植有效后于表皮可见黑素颗粒。

    There have been seen melanin particles in epidermis after autografts by electronic microscope .

  5. 用黑素生成素外搽动物表皮后黑素细胞数目明显增加;含有黑素颗粒的角质形成细胞数、黑素含量指数(MCI-1、2)均有明显提高。

    The number of melanocytes , the keratinocytes with melanin granules and the melanin content index were all in-creased significantly in the treated skin .