
hēi bái huà
  • black-and-white painting
  1. 他喜欢奇比的黑白画,于是把它们挂在墙上供人欣赏。

    He liked Chibi 's black and white drawings and put them up on the wall to be admired .

  2. 黑白画在版画教学中的应用特点

    The Application of the Black and White to the Teaching of Engraving Art

  3. 从而使他对黑白画艺术语言的纯粹性探索做出了杰出的贡献。

    Thus , caused him to make the outstanding contribution to the black and white picture art language pure exploration .

  4. 由于历史背景、文化底蕴的不同,随着时代的发展,东方和西方形成了各具地方和民族特色的黑白画艺术语言。

    Because of the different historical background and cultures , the orient nations and the west nations has their own monochrome art .

  5. 然而,在黑白画的表现形式中,其间接表现形式引人关注,因为这种表现形式使黑白画面的物像处于有趣而美妙的世界内。

    Yet the indirect manifestation is most attractive in different black and white manifestations , which puts the object in an interesting and beautiful composition .

  6. 线条是黑白画的基本元素之一,随着时代的变迁,黑白画以其独特的线条语言备受人们喜爱。

    Line is one of the basic elements of monochrome pictures . As time goes by , monochrome pictures are popular with people for its special language of the lines .

  7. 后期出现的铅笔、钢笔等工具,拓宽了现代黑白画线条表现的技法和形式,对于东西方线条的交融起到了重要作用。

    The appearance of pencils and pens expand the way of expressing for modern monochrome pictures , and plays a important role in combining the orient style and the western style .

  8. 从视知觉语言的角度讨论黑白画的精神,由视觉经验到情感体验。

    From the angle of the language of the sight sense discuss the spirit of the black and white painting . From the experience of the sight sense to the personal emotional experiences .

  9. 人员让十名男性和十名女性看几十张黑白卡通画,并让对画“趣味评级”。

    Scientists asked ten men and ten women to look at dozens of black and white cartoons and rate them on a'funniness scale ' .

  10. 研究人员让十名男性和十名女性看几十张黑白卡通画,并让他们对这些画进行“趣味评级”。

    Scientists asked ten men and ten women to look at dozens of black and white cartoons and rate them on a ' funniness scale ' .

  11. 在很多绘画形式中,寻觅系列的毕业创作采取了油画和黑白线条画的创作技法,而创作的基本理念源于对生命的热爱与珍视。

    In many forms of paintings searching series of graduation creation adopt oil painting and black-and-white line drawings techniques whereas the basic idea of creation originates from the love of life and value .

  12. 正是黑白木版画特有的语言符号特征的朴素,直率的坚强个性,平面装饰性、抽象性、与现代人的审美观产生了共鸣。

    Black and white wood engraving is a unique feature of the plain language of symbols , strength of character straightforward , flat decorative , abstract , and modern aesthetics have had a resonance .

  13. 黑白装饰画是以黑白两色来概括表现现实世界的一种艺术形式,其内在品质与表现范围广而深。

    The white and black decoration painting is one kind of art which exhibits the world by two colors of white and black . The inner character and exhibition scope of this kind of art are comprehensive and profound .

  14. 白腹黑啄木鸟理查亚种中国画的黑白与木版画的黑白交叉关系研究

    Chinese Painting and Woodblock Prints of Black and White Black and White Study of Cross-Relations

  15. 黑白在中国画与木版画艺术中都有完善系统的表现方法和技巧。

    Chinese painting in black and white wood engraving and the art of perfecting the system has the performance of methods and techniques .

  16. 本文以辨证的观点论述中国画的黑白与木版画黑白的交叉性关系。

    This article discusses a dialectical point of view of the black-and-white Chinese painting and wood engraving of the cross-cutting nature of the relationship between black and white .

  17. 有的人物作品直接用黑白这种水墨画的元素代替色彩绘制朴素的风格,有的作品以变幻莫测的灰色表现当代都市的主流色彩。

    Some people work directly substitute elements of black and white with color drawing simple style , and some works represent the mainstream of contemporary urban color with the vagaries of the gray .

  18. 西斜的太阳光把一些树影子都投射在那石阶,风动时,这五级的石阶上就跳动着黑白的图案画。

    The slanting rays of the setting sun threw the shadows of trees on the stone steps , and as the trees swayed in the breeze , a pattern of light and shade danced over the five steps .

  19. 那或隐或现、似是而非的黑白影像在赏画人的脑海中形成了一道道奇妙的风景。

    The photographic images show black and white islands forming archipelagos of explicit and implicit meanings that form the imaginary landscapes in a viewer 's mind .

  20. 本文试图通过对立统一辩证方法对中国画的黑白与黑白木板画解剖分析研究。

    This paper attempts , through the dialectical unity of opposites methods of Chinese painting with black and white black and white painted wood anatomical analysis .