
  1. 黑沟一栾川大断裂,限定了古华北板块南部活动大陆边缘的边界。

    The major disruption of Heigou-Luanchuan has determined the active continental margin of the ancient north China plate .

  2. 结合内蒙古黑沟特大桥工程实例,探讨了预应力混凝土连续刚构桥的施工应力控制方法。

    In combination with the Heigou Bridge Project in inner Mongolia , the methods of construction stress control are discussed in this paper .

  3. 内蒙古准格尔黑岱沟超大型煤型镓矿床的形成与物质来源

    The formation and material sources of the superlarge Hada Gol Ga-bearing coal deposit in Jungar Banner , Inner Mongolia

  4. 元素地球化学特征还表明,黑岱沟煤及煤层夹矸中微量元素来源于上地壳。

    Which also shows that the trace elements in Heidaigou coal and its dirt are from the upper crust .

  5. 黑刺沟金矿位于秦祁昆地槽褶皱系南祁连地向斜构造带的西段。

    Heicigou gold deposit is regionally located at the western section of the southern Qilian geosyncline of QinlingQilianKunlunshan mountain fold system .

  6. 黑刺沟金矿石经岩矿鉴定及工艺矿物学研究,确定为典型的含砷、含硫微细粒难选冶金矿石。

    After determined by process mineralogy , Heicigou gold ore is defined as a refractory finely gold ore containing arsenic and sulphur .

  7. 通过对黑刺沟金矿田地球化学场的初步分析认为:黑刺沟金矿田金元素的强烈分异作用与区域性地质作用有关。

    By analysis of the geochemical field of Heicigou gold ore field , the intensive differentiation of that corresponds with regional geological process .

  8. 本课题对于提高黑岱沟露天煤矿设备维修质量、降低综合维修成本具有一定的借鉴价值。

    This task is a definite value of use for reference to improve equipment repair quality at Heidaigou Open Cast Coal Mine and reduce integrative repair cost .

  9. 黑土地切沟侵蚀的成因与危害

    Causes and damages of gully erosion in black land