
The unlisted Chinese conglomerate will pay $ 3.5bn for Legendary Entertainment , the US media company behind films including Jurassic World and The Dark Knight .
Next summer he reprises the role of Batman in The Dark Knight Rises , the final instalment in Christopher Nolan 's phenomenally successful trilogy .
Recently , Warner Brothers also dabbled with other unorthodox distribution methods , by creating iPad , iPhone , and iPod apps specifically for the dark knight and inception .
Hollywood studio executives are hoping that aggressive price cuts of Blu-ray players and the imminent release of summer blockbusters such asthe dark knightand wall-ewill boost the format .
Perhaps The Hunt will be a way for the network to capitalize ( Capitolize ? ) on the hit franchise , like The Vampire Diaries post-Twilight and Arrow post-Dark Knight 。
Anne Hathaway ( an Oscar winner for " Les Mis é rables " and a co-star of Mr. Nolan 's " The Dark Knight Rises " ) as Brand , a fellow explorer ;
After he plumbed the direst depths of Gotham City in his " Dark Knight " trilogy and traversed multiple levels of consciousness in " Inception , " it seems the only place the filmmaker Christopher Nolan could go next was outer space .
Wang has been the biggest Chinese dealmaker in the U.S. film business , buying Legendary Entertainment - one of the producers of " Jurassic World " and " The Dark Knight " - and U.S. cinema chain AMC Entertainment Holdings .
Rocksteady delivered the best translation ever of The Dark Knight and his world to the PC with excellent combat gameplay and incredible graphics .
It beats the record held by Batman movie the Dark Knight .
Now here comes another big one – The Dark Knight Rises .
The dark rider is afoot . don 't be damn fools .
She was recently seen in the movie , The Dark Knight Rises .
Hey come here and take a photo with this handsome dark knight .
Heath Ledger won a posthumous Oscar for supporting actor for The Dark Knight .
" The Dark Knight ," the latest of six Batman films , came out this year .
and The Dark Knight Rises , which was inspired by the Dickens classic , A Tale of Two Cities .
William Fichtner played in Heat and in the scene in The Dark Knight that was obviously inspired by Heat .
With two big projects out this year , The Dark Knight Rises and Les Miserables , Hathaway is Hollywood 's golden girl .
" I choose chaos ," says the Joker , and those words sum up what 's at stake in The Dark Knight .
Trish : There 's no need to worry right ? Cause the world has the legendary dark knight , Dante * and his sidekick .
Most recently , the couple have been sticking close to their Brooklyn home while Anne works on The Dark Knight Rises around the Big Apple .
After his second bathroom break during the BD-Live screening of The Dark Knight , Nolan joked that he would make a shorter film next time .
James Holmes , 24 , is arrested after entering a cinema during the late-night premiere of " The Dark Knight Rises " and opening fire .
Development of such projects can take as little as three days , though in this case , the Dark Knight app took 30 days to develop .
At the crime scene , Gordon met the victims ' son , Bruce Wayne , who as we all know will later become the Dark Knight .
As its running time suggests , The Dark Knight Rises is a sprawling , epic feast of a movie , with side characters , subplots and diversions .
At the crime scene , Gordon met the victims " son , Bruce Wayne , who as we all know will later become " the Dark Knight . "
For example , US actress Anne Hathaway ( Interstellar , The Dark Knight Rises ) has been invited to The Daily Show five times to discuss her career .
The Dark Knight , director Christopher Nolan 's absolute stunner of a follow-up to2005 's Batman Begins , is a potent provocation decked out as a comic-book movie .