
hēi fāng
  • black
黑方[hēi fāng]
  1. 对白方而言,第二好的选择是D,但同样可以想见,黑方会走到C来避免D。

    A second best , for White , would be position D , but again it must be assumed that Black will play C to prevent this .

  2. 我们只需要修改一下z值就可以将这个红圆放到黑方框之上。

    Flip the values around , and show the red circle popping above the black rectangle with only a change to the z values .

  3. 白方可能会认为,到达E是最理想的,但黑方不会这么乐于助人,如果白方走到B,那么他就会回应F。

    A human playing White might reason that it would be good to reach position E , but Black will not be so obliging , and will respond to move B by reply F.

  4. 在黑方自信和适当的防御下,白方赢不了。

    Black defends properly and confidently , and White cannot win .

  5. 可能黑方没把这步左边的将军考虑到

    Perhaps Black didn 't take this left checkmate into consideration

  6. 黑方多兵并且有一个安全的局势。

    Black has an extra pawn and a safe position .

  7. 这步意想不到的招法将黑方的车投入战局。

    This unexpected move serves to draw the black rook into the game .

  8. 战斗是最符合逻辑的选择,现在黑方不可避免地要遭受物质损失。

    The logical conclusion to the struggle . Black faces inevitable material loss .

  9. 为什么是黑方的局面更好?

    Why is Black 's position better ?

  10. 有黑方、红方、杰克丹尼尔和芝华士12年。精通炼金术或炼丹术的人。

    We have Black Label , Red Label , Jack Daniel and Chivas Regal 12 .

  11. 黑方面临第一个问题。

    Black is facing the first problems .

  12. 试想地区检察官指挥他的充分重视黑方的房间。

    Imagine the District Attorney directing his full attention to the black side of the room .

  13. 长将给黑方优秀的防御画上了句号,科瑞娜进入下一轮。

    The perpetual check crowns black 's excellent defense , which promoted Corina into the next round .

  14. 在实际中,白方总是假设黑方会最大限度地利用局势,

    but in serious play , White would assume that Black would always exploit the situation to maximum advantage .

  15. 现在白方被迫弃象,不然的话,黑方的中心通路联兵将扫清前进道路上所有的障碍。

    And now white is forced to sacrifice the bishop for them & otherwise they will sweep everything off their way .

  16. 黑白双方分别执黑白两色棋子在一个图上做游戏,黑方先行。他们轮流用棋子占领图的顶点直至一方无点可占。

    Two players B and W play the following game on a graph G with black and white board game pieces respectively .

  17. 芝华士皇家礼炮、苏格兰、百龄坛、白马、尊尼获加、黑方、杰克丹尼、龙津等等。

    Chivas Royal Salute , Scotch , Ballantine 's , White Horse , Johnnie Walker , Black Label , Jack 's Daniel 's , Long John and so on .

  18. 所以白方的策略就是尽量不给黑方留下优势,他的每一步移动,都是尽可能地降低黑方最好的一步的优势。实际上,就是将最大值最小化。

    White 's strategy therefore would be to make the move least advantageous to Black - the move making Black 's best move the least successful of all the possible best moves - the minimum maximum , in fact .