
hēi bān
  • Black spot;dark spot;shade;black shading;blackspot
黑斑[hēi bān]
  1. 一片片薄而白的卷云出现在大黑斑的周围。

    Pieces of thin , white cirrus clouds appear around the Great Dark Spot .

  2. 斑斑点点的外型,是因为中间掺杂了一些铝片。一片片薄而白的卷云出现在大黑斑的周围。

    The snippets of aluminum give it an original , speckled appearance . Pieces of thin , white cirrus clouds appear around the Great Dark Spot .

  3. 这个梨子有碰伤的黑斑。

    The pear had bruises of dark spots .

  4. 红斑大壁虎与黑斑大壁虎细胞色素b基因序列差异与分化进行性先天性红斑角化病

    Sequence Variation and Differentiation of Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene of Red Gekko gecko and Black Gekko gecko

  5. 十字花科蔬菜黑斑病菌的PCR鉴定

    PCR identification of the pathogens causing black leaf spot of cruciferae vegetables

  6. 大面阵CCD航测相机图像去黑斑的处理

    Processing of the Black Speckle in Digital Image of Large CCD Camera

  7. Na2SeO4和Na2SeO3对黑斑蛙蝌蚪急性毒性实验。

    The cute toxicity experiment of Na_2SeO_4 and Na_2SeO_3 to Rana nigromaculata tadpoles .

  8. 中国黑斑蛙种群的线粒体DNA多样性和生物地理演化过程的初探

    Mitochondrial DNA diversity and preliminary biogeographic inference of the evolutionary history of the black-spotted pond frog Rana nigromaculata populations in China

  9. 钼板坯中Fe,Ni含量与钼圆黑斑形成关系的探讨

    Effects of Fe , Ni Content in Molybdenum Slab on Forming Black Spots in Molybdenum Circle Sheets

  10. 杏果实黑斑病菌及近似链格孢种的RAPD分析

    RAPD analysis on apricot fruit black spot pathogen and the similar species of Alternaria

  11. 黑斑息肉综合征错构瘤β-catenin、p53、增殖细胞核抗原表达及临床意义

    Gene expression significance of β - catenin , p53 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome polyposis

  12. PDA是白菜黑斑病菌营养生长的最适培养基,SNA除了适合其生长外,还对供试三个种的病菌生长有选择性;

    PDA was the optimum medium whereas SNA could be a selective medium for Alternaria .

  13. 光学系统黑斑法杂光系数和PST间的联系

    Relations between PST and veiling glare index of optical system

  14. 梨黑斑病菌(AlternariaalternataJapanesepearpathotype)生物学特性及其生物&化学协同控制技术的研究

    Study on the Biological Characteristics of Alternaria Alternata Japanese Pear Pathotype and Its Bio-Chemical Control Technique

  15. 采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶平板电泳(PAGE),对黑斑蛙的五种不同组织器官和五种不同发育时期的个体进行了酯酶(α&EST)和过氧化物酶(PO)同工酶的差异比较研究。

    The differentiation of α & EST and PO isoenzymes in five different organs and five different developing periods of Rana nigromaculata was studied by PAGE .

  16. 黑斑蛙Sox基因与Dmrt基因的研究

    The Research of Sox Gene and Dmrt Gene in Rana Nigromaculata

  17. 应定期复查内镜,行PSD是提高黑斑息肉病远期疗效的有效方法。

    Regular endoscopy and PSD is an effective therapy in improving the long - term outcome of Peutz - Jeghers syndrome .

  18. 与哺乳类及鱼类资料比较,提示两栖类黑斑蛙LDH同工酶有其独特的表达谱式。

    The pattern of expression of LDH isozyme during embryonic development of Rana nigromaculata is different from that of fishes and mammalian reported previously .

  19. 镉对中国林蛙(Ranachensinensis)和黑斑蛙(Rananigromaculata)幼体生长发育的影响

    Effect of Cadmium on Growth and Development in Larval Rana Chensinensis and Rana Nigromaculata

  20. CuCr触头表面黑斑与黄斑缺陷的研究

    Study of Defects on The Surface of CuCr Contact

  21. 邓恩给麦卡弗蒂介绍了温斯顿(Winston)——一只很好相处的黑斑白猫。

    Ms. Dunn introduced Mr. McCafferty to Winston , a white cat with black splotches who plays well with others .

  22. 目的研究黑斑息肉综合征(PJS)错构瘤中βcatenin、p53、PCNA表达及在发病和癌变中的意义。

    Objective To study the significance of β catenin , p53 and PCNA in Peutz Jeghers syndrome ( PJS ) harmatoma .

  23. 黑斑蛙(Rananigromaculata)不同组织器官和不同发育时期同工酶的比较研究

    A comparative study on Isoenzymes in different organs and different developing periods of Rana nigromaculata

  24. LAS和KMnO4对黑斑蛙蝌蚪的毒性研究

    Acute Toxicity and Combined Toxicity of LAS and KMnO_4 on Rana nigromaculata Tadpoles

  25. 硒盐对黑斑蛙蝌蚪(Rananigromaculata)毒性效应的研究

    The Study of the Toxic Effects of Sodium Selenate / Selenite Anhydrous on Rana Nigromaculata Tadpoles

  26. 【目的】探讨黑斑息肉综合征(Peutz-Jegherssyndrome,PJS)的发病机制及恶变情况,规范治疗方案。

    【 Objective 】 To investigate the pathogenesis and canceration of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome ( PJS ) and standardize therapeutic regimen .

  27. 为了给所有车内和车身周边的灯光提供电力,剧组在黑斑羚车内放置了12V150AH的MF汽车专用电池。

    To power all the lights in and around the car , the crew placed a12-volt150AH MF Truck battery in the Impala 's trunk .

  28. 盒厚不均对STN-LCD显示黑斑形成的影响

    Influence of the Cell Thickness Irregularity to Formation of Black Spot in STN-LCD

  29. 报告黑斑息肉综合征(PJS)患者7例。

    Reporting 7 cases of PeutZ & Jeghers syndrome ( PJS ) .

  30. 保持作物湿润,寻找茎部的黄、黑斑,如果叶子上有V型的黄、褐色区域,就可能是黑腐病的迹象。

    Always keep the plants moist . Watch for yellowing or black spots on the stems . Yellow or brown areas shaped like the letter V on leaves may be a sign of black rot infection .