
hēi shì jiāo yì
  • black-market
  • black market operation;black-marketing;off-the-books deal
  1. 我想建议一个黑市交易。

    What I 'm suggesting is a black-market sale .

  2. 在2002年,政府加强完善了文化,文物法律,禁止私人化石交易和黑市交易。

    In2002 , the government tightened its cultural-relics law to ban private fossil-trading , drying up both legal and black-market trade .

  3. 实行定量配给的商品存在黑市交易。

    There 's a black market in rationed goods .

  4. 可能这是一宗失败的黑市交易。

    Maybe it was a black market deal that went bad .

  5. 伏特加洒和香烟的黑市交易很兴旺。

    There 's a thriving black market in vodka and cigarettes .

  6. 黑市交易,有组织的犯罪。

    It 's all black market . it 's organized crime .

  7. 黑市交易与高价销售盛行,物价管理局难以控制。

    Black-marketing and overcharging grew to proportions far beyond OPA policing capacity .

  8. 这是本有关人类器官黑市交易的书。

    That 's about the black market to sell human body parts .

  9. 它的目的是制止黑市交易。

    It is aimed at stopping the black market .

  10. 中国媒体发布的照片表明电子产品的黑市交易有多么火爆。

    Photos released by Chinese media show just how intense the black market trade for consumer electronics has become .

  11. 为了打破贫穷国家古文物的黑市交易,他提议将这些艺术品出租给博物馆。

    To break up black markets surrounding the antiquities of poor countries , he proposes leasing the artifacts to museums .

  12. 来自马德里一家名叫塔东咨询公司的大卫佩雷斯说,那些偷来的银行账号或者信用卡详细资料最终都会落到线上黑市交易。

    David P é rez of Taddong , a Madrid-based consultancy , says stolen bank-account or credit-card details often end up in online black markets .

  13. 这座城镇是一个发菜黑市交易的中心。发菜是一种藻类,在汉语里它的写法和发音类似于“发财”。

    The town is the centre of a black-market trade in facai , a species of alga whose name is spelt and pronounced similarly to'get rich ' .

  14. 利文斯敦是赞比亚同津巴布韦边界的一座城市,拉斐尔和刘易斯正在这里的市集上用津巴布韦元做着有声有色的黑市交易。

    In the city bazaar of Livingstone , Zambia , near the border with Zimbabwe , Rafael and Lewis are doing a lively black-market trade in Zimbabwe dollars .

  15. 然而,最大的需求并不是中国电影来满足的,而是通过黑市交易流入的外国电影,这些影片由于中国严格的控制不能合法进入中国市场。

    However , much of that demand is met not by Chinese films but by black-market consumption of foreign films blocked from entering China legally because of tight controls .

  16. 现在,它则被视为一股文化力量,既可以点燃爱的火花,也可以破坏婚姻,甚至催生“血汗工厂”,以满足虚拟物品的黑市交易需求。

    Now it is seen as a cultural force that sparks love affairs , breaks marriages and creates " sweat shops " to satisfy a black market in virtual goods .

  17. 例如,拒绝纳税的西科-阿玛(阿尔弗雷德-莫里纳)为影片平添了不少喜剧色彩,他的非法鸵鸟大赛、狡诈的黑市交易和雷人的言论让人忍俊不禁。

    For example , Sheik Amar ( Alfred Molina ), the tax-resisting renegade , provides some comic relief with his illegal ostrich races , his black market double-dealing , and his speeches .

  18. 黑市交易网络的最底端是一些小贼,他们从露天铁轨、地下隧道和机场自动扶梯盗取铜缆,从工厂、电厂甚至是墓石中盗取铜材。

    At the bottom of the network are small-time thieves who steal copper wiring from open-air railway tracks , underground tunnels and airport escalators , copper materials from factories and electrical plants , and even from gravestones .

  19. 如有的打着“投资公司”、“咨询公司”的招牌,诱惑一些人“投资”境外期货;有的私设窝点,搞地下黑市交易。

    Some people , for instance , in the name of " investment company " or " consulting company ", seduced others into " makeing investment " in overseaoverseas futures ; some established private exchange site served serving as black market exchange .

  20. 不切实际的水平上钉住汇率造成了强烈的黑市外汇交易。

    The unrealistic levels at which exchange rates were pegged led to a strong black market in currency transactions .

  21. 专家们担心,到目前为止这些岩石中至少有四分之一已经丢失,估计是被盗或被拿到黑市上交易。

    Experts fear that at least a quarter of those rocks are now missing , presumably stolen and sold on the black market .

  22. 然而,还有另外一群人为了这次攻击而担心。他们是另一群黑客,窃取用户的信用卡号以及在线个人身份资料,并把这些信息拿到黑市进行交易。

    But there was another group that worried about the attack : other hackers who steal credit card numbers and personal identity online and then sell and trade this information in underground markets .

  23. DNA分析技术已经成为了致力于大象保护工作者手中的一件新武器,人们可以通过此项技术来追查那些在黑市上被交易的象牙的原产地。

    The complex science of DNA analysis is now helping to protect elephants by showing police and conservationists the source of black-market ivory .

  24. 东南亚充斥着官方的和黑市的武器交易。

    Southeast Asia is tangled in a web of official and black market arms dealings .

  25. 那些老谋深算的罪犯们愈来愈多地在公园或街角从事黑市电话的交易。

    Wily criminals are increasingly operating black-market phoning businesses based in parks and on street corners .

  26. 黑市仍然有野味交易,你有品尝野味的经历吗?

    There is still a meat trade of wildlife in the black market . Have you ever had any venison ?

  27. 大威廉姆斯也承认说:“恩,我也拿了很多带回家,从1997年开始我就这么干了。我也拿过男士毛巾。你可以拿它作为交换,或者拿去卖。黑市上有很多交易温网毛巾的。”

    Serena 's sister Venus also admitted : " Well , I 've got a lot at home . Got some since ' 97 . Got some men 's towels , too . You can do a barter program , trade ' em up . Black market on towels . "